A Study of Paper Permanence
Word count: 9100
p.95 This chapter has been subjected to criticism by the Bureau of Standards, and the Permanence and Durability Committee of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. The latter body contested certain conclusions of the paper as originally submitted and has expressed a wish that the chapter be published as amended by then, if it is to be published with their approval. Comments and controversial material, therefore, which had been written in the original draft of this chapter and revised out of it, have sometimes been inserted here as footnotes; the substance of the chapter as it stands without the footnotes has been issued separately as a report of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
The outstanding qualities required
of a book paper are four: printing surface, opacity, strength, and permanence
and durability. Other qualities of a greater or lesser importance are color, feel,
formation, aesthetic value, etc., depending on the purpose for which the paper is
to be used. The printability, opacity, and
strength qualities of book paper can be determined by suitable testing instruments
and expressed in numerical terms. The
fourth outstanding quality, namely, permanence and durability, is not as easily expressed. Permanence of a paper has been
defined as the degree of resistance towards
the degrading chemical action of the impurities in the paper or of materials in the
surrounding air. Durability is the degree
to which the paper retains its original
qualities under usage. In a 1933 report
from the Bureau of Standards,1 it was
brought out that important factors in the
permanence and durability of book papers
are the chemical purity of the fibers in
the sheet, and the conditions under which
the books are kept. Paper from books
stored in urban institutions is uniformly
more deteriorated than that from identical
volumes kept in rural libraries, according
to the Bureau of Standards investigation.
The much thumbed-over books in the childrenβs department of the public library β₯
show the results of wear in use, but there
is little doubt that the lasting quality of
paper is not only dependent upon its environment but is partly related to the paper itself. This permanence quality, however, is not immediately apparent to the
observer. The only absolute test of permanence and durability would require that one
should wait to see what happens to the paper in the course of several centuries or
until there is positive evidence of deterioration.
In the days when paper was an innovation in Europe, competing with parchment, it was regarded as dangerously impermanent, and there was legislation to prohibit its use in legal documents. Of the books printed in the earlier centuries, enough have endured the effect of time to establish beyond question the permanence possibilities in papers made of the materials then in use. During the period 1875β1910, unpurified or crude fibers, such as
ground wood, were frequently used in book
papers. The Bureau of Standards, in its
report, to which reference has already been
made, found that book papers containing appreciable quantities of crude fibers were
invariably in poorer condition than those
containing rag and chemical wood fibers.
The period 1875β1910, therefore, is defined
as one in which the paper in books published β£
in this period may be quite impermanent.
This served to emphasize the importance of
the chemical purity of the fibers themselves as a factor in the permanence of paper. At the beginning of the present century, paper technicians were calling attention to the danger of printing on paper
containing crude fibers, such as ground
wood pulp. The conclusion was drawn at
that time that papers had a life expectancy proportionate to the amount of rag stock
used in their manufacture.2
The distributing trade had little
knowledge concerning the problem of paper
permanence and durability. The market
designations of paper ordinarily in use include size, weight, color, surface finish,
and a description of the raw materials from
which the paper is made. The raw material
may be described with varying degrees of
precision. The simplest distinction is
that which runs between βragβ and βwood
pulpβ papers, and those which contain different proportions of both. The rags, however, are not of equal quality. The hardest and most durable fibers are the new unbleached cotton trimmings which are bleached
in the paper mill. Then come the scraps
left from the manufacture of overalls, βnew
blues;β then the white rags from wornout
clothing from the housewifeβs rag bag;3 and,
finally, soiled rags of different colors
from different sources.4 The higher classes of rags require less chemical treatment
for paper stock and, therefore, yield a more
permanent paper when carefully manufactured. The lower classes of rags usually
undergo a more drastic chemical treatment
before being converted to paper and do not
yield as strong or as permanent a paper,
although for many purposes it may possess
other more desirable properties.5 The wood
used in paper making is also subject to
various classifications: there is the distinction between the soft (coniferous)
woods and the hard (deciduous) woods. Then
there are different processes by which the
wood is converted into pulp to receive consideration. First, there is the important
distinction between βmechanical wood pulpβ β₯
(groundwood) and βchemical wood pulp.β
Newsprint paper, for instance, is chiefly
mechanical wood pulp; most book paper is
made of chemical wood pulp. By different
kinds of chemical treatment the impurities
in the wood are removed and a fiber of relatively high purity, compared to a mechanical wood pulp fiber, is obtained. βSoda
pulpβ is made by digesting wood chips in
an alkaline solution, such as sodium hydroxide, and is composed of fibers from
hard woods. βSulphite pulp,β on the other
hand, is made chiefly from soft woods by
digesting the wood chips in a solution of
sulfurous acid and calcium bisulphite. The
fibers generally possess different properties compared to those made by the soda
process owing to their difference of origin. Recently certain additional processes
giving further purification to chemical
wood pulps have appeared.
Within the past decade or so; some paper users have become dissatisfied with the more or less crude paper specifications and have begun to introduce laboratory procedures in standardizing their paper purchases. The distributing trade has not followed this line of development, however; its interests have been heavily vested in the existing trade practices. Recently some of the larger users of papers, who could establish direct contact with the manufacturers, began to demand and to receive βspecification papers.β It is reported that about 1% of the finer paper trade in 1928 was on a laboratory specification basis, and that by 1933 this had risen to 10%.
The specifications which were most
successfully established were those relating to the physical strength qualities of β
the paper. Standard physical tests were
tearing resistance, bursting strength, tensile strength, and folding endurance. For nearly ten years government specifications
for permanent all-rag content papers have
carried requirements as to the grade of new
rag permitted. In addition, limits as to
rosin size and acidity have also been included. Specifications relating to β£
probable longevity of a paper were not so
easily set up but progress is being made in
that direction.
The librarians seem to have been the ones who showed the first and greatest desire for permanence in book papers, but they were in a bad strategic position for making their desires effective. They were many times removed from the paper manufacturers; they had little influence on the publishers and none on the paper distributors. The British Library Association set up a committee which drew up some permanence specifications for paper. In general, however, the paper trade continued to sell its goods as β100% rag,β β50% rag,β or βSulphiteβ and induced the buyer to believe that the more he paid, the greater was the probable longevity of the paper.
When the laboratory men began to work on paper specifications, not only was the source of the fiber studied but its chemical and physical qualities were examined. The most important material comprising the fibers used in papermaking is the organic substance known as cellulose, the cell wall of the plant, and its chemical properties are essentially the same whether it is found in the cottonseed hair, cornstalks, or trees, whether it goes to the paper mill as a discarded shirt or a spruce log. In all papers cellulose is the basic ingredient, although there is a big difference in the structure of different fibers and this is an important characteristic in papermaking. Furthermore, associated with cellulose in the crude or unpurified fiber, there are often undesirable substances, called impurities, which are removed by chemical treatment as already indicated. These impurities vary in nature and in amount, depending on the source of the fiber. Ordinary pulp wood is composed of over 50% cellulosic material and βimpuritiesβ to the extent of about 30%. When newsprint paper is made by grinding logs into mechanical wood pulp, all the βimpuritiesβ or undesirable substances go into the paper. Raw cotton, on the other hand, represents a fiber containing about 90% cellulose and a minimum of βimpurities.β
Tests which are often used to determine the purity and quality of the fibers composing a paper are: acidity, sizing, alpha cellulose, and copper number. In
general, there is agreement among paper
technologists that the acidity and the rosin sizing should be kept low for a permanent paper. The alpha cellulose content of
a paper refers to that portion of the cellulose which is not soluble in a solution of
sodium hydroxide under certain defined conditions.6 These are entirely empirical conditions however. The alkali-resistant or
alpha cellulose content of the cellulose
portion of a paper is presumably proportionate to the fiber purity, a high percentage
alpha cellulose value being desirable for a
permanent paper. The copper number is also
indicative of fiber purity, the higher the
number the greater the degree of damage to
the fibers. Other tests which have been
used in specifying book papers for permanent records are: ash, folding endurance,
bursting strength, opacity, weight, and
thickness. No single test can be considered at the present time as an adequate
criterion of paper permanency. Even the
lists of tests, mentioned above, yield a
not too satisfactory picture of the probable life expectancy of a paper as far as
purity of the sheet is concerned. Other
tests which may become more reliable indices of paper permanence are now in the
process of development.
Paper manufactured from the highest
grade of cotton rags receives the minimum
of treatment. The raw material itself is
of a very high degree of purity and, carefully processed, yields from known experience a paper of very great permanence and
durability. Such papers possess an alpha
cellulose content well over 90% and Β« copper number considerably less than 1.0. Lower grade rags and chemical wood pulps require more severe treatment in their isolation or purification before being converted
to paper. Ordinary processes of making
chemical wood pulp do not yield a product
with 90% alpha cellulose content. Purification processes are now available, however, whereby the alpha cellulose content β£
of such pulps, referred to as βalpha pulps,β
approaches that of the better grades of cotton rags.7
When purified, chemical wood pulps have proven very satisfactory for certain papers and as a substitute for certain grades of rags. With our increasing knowledge of paper, its raw materials and manufacture, the future may provide a more permanent paper made from a greater variety of materials.
Proposed Classification and Specifications for Permanent Book Papers
(1) Classification of Book Papers Relative to Their Permanence Qualities8
A system of classification of
printing and writing papers relative to
their permanence qualities has been suggested by the United States Bureau of Standards.9 Mr. B. W. Scribner, of the Bureau
of Standards, proposed that the ingredients
to be specified be a percentage of alpha
cellulose, and he suggested, as an additional innovation, an accelerated aging test
om βStabilityβ specification. Underlying
this test is the assumption that paper deterioration is a chemical action which can
be accelerated by the influence of heat.
Paper samples of known alpha cellulose content, chemical purity, and physical strength
are subjected to oven heat for seventy-two
hours at 100Β° C., and then tested for loss
of chemical and physical qualities. The
loss is expressed as a percentage. This
classification is based upon the purity and
strength of the finished paper. The values
given are derived from the results of the
extensive investigations of the Bureau during the past four years into the permanence
of paper. In these investigations, tests
similar to the ones described here have
been made on a large number and variety of
papers, and it is believed that papers fulβ₯
filling the requirements of the various
groups will have the relative degrees
permanence indicated.10
In this system of classification, all papers are divided into four classes. The first class contains those papers which may be expected to have maximum longevity. A book paper fulfilling the requirements of this class would be particularly suitable for bound volumes of records having permanent value. The second class contains papers of high purity. Papers used for semi-permanent records and in fine editions of rare and costly books should fulfill the requirements of this class. The third class is composed of papers which, while not having as high a degree of purity as those in the first two classes, have a fair degree of purity. Such papers could be used where moderate longevity is desired, such as in reference periodicals. Papers in the fourth class are those suitable for current use only.11 Table XXXIV, on the following pages, illustrates in detail how such a system of classification might be applied to book papers.
(2) Specifications of the Joint Committee on Printing U. S. Government.12
The paper must be made with every
precaution to insure the maximum serviceability and permanency. Care must be taken
to use the minimum quantities of bleach,
rosin, size, and alum. The finished paper
must not show the presence of any injurious
residual chemicals which will interfere in
any way with the permanency of color or
the serviceability and durability of the
paper. β£
Class I. Papers of Maximum Purity for Permanent Records
Stock: Free from unbleached or groundwood fibers
Alpha cellulose: Not less than 90%
Copper number: Not more than 1.5
Acidity: pH value not less than 4.5 and acid number less than 25
Rosin: Not more than 1.0%
Stability: When heated for 72 hours at 100Β° C. the alpha cellulose content shall decrease not more than 1.5%, the folding endurance shall decrease not more than 25%, and the copper number shall increase not more than 0.5
Weight, Strength and Opacity: | Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Weight: (25 x 40,500)βpounds | 35βββββ | 40βββββ | 50βββββ | 60βββββ | 70βββββ |
Weight: (25 x 38,500)βpounds | 33.3βββ | 38.0βββ | 47.5βββ | 57.0βββ | 66.5βββ |
Folding endurance: Average each direction, not less than double folds | 75βββββ | 100βββββ | 125βββββ | 160βββββ | 200βββββ |
Bursting strength: Average not less thanβpoints | 20βββββ | 25βββββ | 30βββββ | 35βββββ | 40βββββ |
Thickness: Averageβinch | 0.0035 | 0.0040 | 0.0050 | 0.0060 | 0.0060 |
Tensile breaking strength Average not less than kg. per 15 mm. width |
Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Machine direction | 4.0βββ | 5.0βββ | 6.0βββ | 7.0βββ | 8.0βββ |
Across direction | 2.0βββ | 2.5βββ | 3.0βββ | 3.5βββ | 4.0βββ |
Opacity: Contrast ratio not less thanβ% | 84βββββ | 86βββββ | 89βββββ | 90βββββ | 90βββββ |
Color, finish, formation and printing quality
Shall be in accordance with sample
Class II. Papers of High Purity for Semi-Permanent Records
Stock: Free from unbleached or groundwood fibers
Alpha cellulose: Not less than 80%
Copper number: Not more than 2.0
Acidity: pH value not less than 4.5 and acid number less than 25
Rosin: Not more than 1.5%
Weight, Strength and Opacity: | Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Weight: (25 x 40,500)βpounds | 35βββββ | 40βββββ | 50βββββ | 60βββββ | 70βββββ |
Weight: (25 x 38,500)βpounds | 33.3βββ | 38.0βββ | 47.5βββ | 57.0βββ | 66.5βββ |
Folding endurance: Average each direction, not less than double folds | 30βββββ | 40βββββ | 60βββββ | 80βββββ | 100βββββ |
Bursting strength: Average not less thanβpoints | 12βββββ | 14βββββ | 18βββββ | 22βββββ | 26βββββ |
Thickness: Averageβinch | 0.0030 | 0.0035 | 0.0045 | 0.0050 | 0.0050 |
Tensile breaking strength: Average not less than kg. per 15 mm. width |
Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Machine direction | 3.0βββ | 3.0βββ | 4.0βββ | 5.0βββ | 6.0βββ |
Across direction | 1.5βββ | 1.5βββ | 2.0βββ | 2.5βββ | 3.0βββ |
Opacity: Contrast ratio not less thanβ% | 84βββββ | 86βββββ | 89βββββ | 90βββββ | 90βββββ |
Color, finish, formation and printing quality:
Shall be in accordance with sample
Testing Methods: The testing methods shall be those approved by the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. The physical specifications are for a relative
humidity of 65% and a temperature of 70 FΒ°., which are the testing conditions approved
by this Association. β£
Class III. Papers of Fair Purity for Records Requiring Moderate Longevity
Stock: Free from unbleached or groundwood fibers
Alpha cellulose: Not less than 70%
Copper number: Not more than 3.5
Acidity: pH value not less than 4.5 and acid number less than 25
Rosin: Not more than 2.0%
Weight, Strength and Opacity: | Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Weight: (25 x 40,500)βpounds | 35βββββ | 40βββββ | 50βββββ | 60βββββ | 70βββββ |
Weight: (25 x 38,500)βpounds | 33.3βββ | 58.0βββ | 47.5βββ | 57.0βββ | 66.5βββ |
Folding endurance: Average each direction, not less than double folds | 15βββββ | 20βββββ | 30βββββ | 40βββββ | 50βββββ |
Bursting strength: Average not less thanβpoints | 11βββββ | 12βββββ | 15βββββ | 19βββββ | 22βββββ |
Thickness: Averageβinch | 0.0025 | 0.0030 | 0.0033 | 0.0040 | 0.0050 |
Tensile breaking strength: Average not less than kg. per 15 mm. width |
Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Machine direction | 3.0βββ | 3.0βββ | 3.5βββ | 3.5βββ | 4.0βββ |
Across direction | 1.5βββ | 1.5βββ | 2.0βββ | 2.0βββ | 2.5βββ |
Opacity: Contrast ratio not less thanβ% | 84βββββ | 86βββββ | 89βββββ | 90βββββ | 90βββββ |
Color, finish, formation and printing quality:
Shall be in accordance with sample
Class IV. Papers for Temporary Use
Stock, Acidity and Rosin: No requirements
Weight, Strength and Opacity: | Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Weight: (25 x 40,500)βpounds | 35βββββ | 40βββββ | 50βββββ | 60βββββ | 70βββββ |
Weight: (25 x 38,500)βpounds | 33.3βββ | 38.0βββ | 47.5βββ | 57.0βββ | 66.5βββ |
Bursting strength: Average not less thanβpoints |
9βββββ | 10βββββ | 12βββββ | 14βββββ | 15βββββ |
Thickness: Averageβinch | 0.0025 | 0.0030 | 0.0033 | 0.0040 | 0.0050 |
Tensile breaking strength: Average not less than kg. per 15 mm. widthβ |
Β | Β | Β | Β | Β |
Machine direction | 3.0βββ | 3.0βββ | 3.5βββ | 3.5βββ | 4.0βββ |
Across direction | 1.5βββ | 1.5βββ | 2.0βββ | 2.0βββ | 2.0βββ |
Opacity: Contrast ratio not less thanβ% | 84βββββ | 86βββββ | 89βββββ | 90βββββ | 90βββββ |
Color, finish, formation and printing quality:
Shall be in accordance with sample
Testing Methods: The testing methods shall be those approved by the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry. The physical specifications are for a relative
humidity of 65% and a temperature of 70Β° F., which are the testing conditions approved by this Association.
Stock: 100% new rags, white, cream or unbleached
Ash: Not to exceed 15%
Acidity: pH value not less than 5.0
Sizing: Rosin not to exceed 1.0%
Weight, Strength and Opacity: | Β | Β | Β |
Weight: | 25 x 38, 10,000 Lbs. | 90βββββ | 140βββββ |
Folding Endurance: | Average, each direction not less than ____ double folds | 75βββββ | 150βββββ |
Bursting strength: | Average not less than ____ points | 25βββββ | 40βββββ |
Thickness: | Average inch | 0.0040 | 0.0055 |
Opacity: | Not less than ____% | 86βββββ | 90βββββ |
Color, Finish, Formation, and Cleanliness: Deliveries must conform to the standard sample.
Note: The physical specifications of the Government Printing Office are based on tests carried out at a relative humidity of 50% and a temperature of 70Β° F.
The Paper Trade and the Proposed Specifications
The interest of the paper trade in specifications is recent and welcome. Technical knowledge is far ahead of the market conditions. Some of the conclusions of paper technologists are in satisfactory agreement and can be used safely as a guide by publishers in search of permanent paper. However, on entering the market to buy paper, the publisher discovers that the distributing trade is not accustomed to the use of even the minimum specifications upon which there is agreement.
The Rag Paper Division of the Writing Paper Manufacturers! Association has suggested tentatively some specifications, which are set forth in a comparative table at the end of this chapter; but for a final judgment on permanence specifications, it awaits the conclusion of the experimental work in progress.
A test made at the Bureau of Standards confirms the fact that a purchaser who merely specifies a percentage of rag content in a book paper has no assurance that he is paying for permanence quality. Thus is the importance of careful specifications brought out.
A list of the book papers investigated by John Burton13 is herewith tabulated (Table XXXV, on the following page) with the proposed permanence classification indicated in each case. This is based on
chemical and physical tests on the papers.
For this proposed classification, see an
earlier portion of this chapter.14 According to this classification system only one
of the twenty-eight papers studied could
qualify as a permanent and durable paper,
but several were only slightly deficient.
The importance of careful processing of fibers was emphatically brought out as a result of this investigation. A fiber of
initial high quality may have its purity
seriously lowered by improper processing,
and fibers of much lower original purity
may be purified to a high degree by proper
These data serve to bring out the importance of careful specifications in the matter of permanent and durable book papers, no single test or specifications being adequate.
Conclusions for the Paper Buyer
It is easy to understand why ordinary market book papers, whether of rag, β£
Sample No. | Description of Materials Used in Manufacture as Furnished by Manufacturers | % Rag | % Chemical Wood Pulp | Permanence Classification |
1 | New cotton rags, 85%, and new linen rags, 15% rosin sized | 100 | - | III |
2 | Chemical wood pulp containing some highly purified wood pulp; rosin sized, clay filled | - | 100 | III |
3 | Bleached cotton fiber, 75%, and bleached sulphite pulp, 25%; sized with 2% rosin and alum | 75 | 25 | III |
4 | Bleached sulphite pulp, 50%, and unbleached sulphite pulp, 50%; rosin sized | - | 100 | IV |
5 | Same as No. 2, except highly purified wood pulp was replaced with an equal amount of cotton linters | ? | ? | III |
6 | Rag fiber, 50%, and sulphite pulp, 50%; rosin sized, clay filled | 50 | 50 | III |
7 | Rag fiber, 85%, and sulphite pulp 15%; rosin sized, clay filled | 85 | 15 | III |
8 | White, uncooked rags, 100%, rosin sized | 100 | - | III |
9 | Rag fiber, βtwos and bluesβ grade, 55%, and chemical wood pulp, 45%; rosin sized, clay filled | 55 | 45 | IV |
10 | Rag fiber, βtwos and bluesβ grade, 50%, and chemical wood fiber, 50%; rosin sized, clay filled | 50 | 50 | IV |
11 | Bleached chemical wood pulp, 100%, rosin sized, clay filled | - | 100 | IV |
12 | Rag fiber, βtwos and bluesβ grade, 100%; rosin sized, clay filled | 100 | - | IV |
13 | Rag fiber, βNo. 1 Whiteβ grade, 100%; rosin sized, clay filled | 100 | - | IV |
14 | Rag fiber, βNo. 2 Whiteβ grade, 100%; rosin sized | 100 | - | IV |
15 | Rag fiber, βNo. 2 Whiteβ grade, 100%; rosin sized | 100 | - | III |
17 | White linen and cotton rags, 100%; rosin sized | 100 | - | III |
22 | Rag fiber, 50%, and bleached chemical wood pulp, 50%; rosin sized, clay filled | 50 | 50 | IV |
24 | Bleached chemical wood pulp, 100%; rosin sized, clay filled | - | 100 | IV |
25 | Rag fiber, 100% rosin sized; used for permanent editions of newspapers and periodicals | 100 | - | II |
28 | Rag fiber, 50%, and bleached chemical wood pulp, 50%; rosin sized, clay filled | 50 | 50 | III |
31 | Bleached chemical wood pulp, 100%; double-coated book paper | - | 100 | III |
32 | Rag fiber, 50%, and bleached chemical wood pulp, 50%; double-coated paper IAL | Β | Β | Β |
37 | New rags, 100%; rosin sized | 100 | - | I |
38 | βNo. 1 Whiteβ grade of rags, 37.5%, βthirds and bluesβ grade of rags, 37.5%, and sulphite wood pulp, 25%, rosin Sized, clay filled | 75 | 25 | II |
40 | Rag fiber, 50%, bleached chemical wood pulp, 50%; rosin sized, clay filled | 50 | 50 | III |
41 | Rag fiber, 50%, and bleached chemical wood pulp, 50%; double-coated book paper | 50 | 50 | III |
45 | New white and cream rags, 100%; rosin sized. This paper was manufactured especially with a view to permanence | 100 | - | II |
46 | Same as paper No. 45, but from a different delivery | 100 | - | II |
chemical wood pulp, or mixture, should not
be permanent papers; and emphasis has been
on beauty and printability rather than on
permanence and durability. Paper technologists have the formulae for papers which
would satisfy the demand for permanence but
such a demand has not been large enough to
control market practices. The lack of
agreement over specifications has made it
difficult for the buyers who want permanence to exert their full weight in the
market, and the small buyer can have little influence even if he knows what he
wants unless he happens to want a stock
A number of specifications are included in an appended chart which gives, in addition, the properties and approximate prices of certain all-rag or purified chemical wood pulp papers, actually or potentially available.
How are these specifications to be interpreted? The paper technologists quickly draw the layman beyond his depth in the discussion, but a few facts stand out as agreed or uncontested, and upon these the publisher may safely base his policy.
(1) Fiber Content of Highest Class Papers
It is always insufficient to specify merely a source of the fibers, as, for instance, βragβ or β50% rag.β Now only should the quality of the fiber be specified but specifications covering the manufactured paper should be carefully drawn. These should include ash content, acidity, rosin sizing, alpha cellulose, copper number, folding endurance, bursting strength, and perhaps other tests depending on the use requirements of the sheet. No one or two tests alone, any more than the source of the fiber, can entirely define the permanence of a paper. For instance, some of the new fillers now being used in book papers will give a high false copper number without any other indication of impermanence. Others believe that a low alpha cellulose of rags which have been properly purified is not an index of impermanence. It is natural that the more information we have concerning the properties of a paper, the more can we judge of its general quality and usability for the purposes we have in mind.
Although it is admitted that there β₯
is no general agreement on the specifications necessary for a permanent paper made
from fibers other than the highest grade of
rags, the dealers and even the buying public in general have been slow to realize
the need for and the significance of a permanent book paper. When the buyers specify
these superior properties in a paper, the
manufacturers will quote prices consistent
with the specifications and the desired
product will be delivered. It lies with
the buying public to assist the manufacturers to keep pace with the findings of the
paper technologists.
(2) Fiber Content of Second-Class Papers
Price becomes a leading consideration among the less permanent papers, and specifications do not have to be as rigid as with the first-class papers. Thus, in the Burton classification for book papers of high purity for semi-permanent records, the chemical and physical constants are ex- tended considerably beyond those for book papers of maximum purity for permanent records. The buyer should test and carefully check to specifications all papers before use in order to be sure he is getting his full money value. Again, no single test should be used as a criterion of the permanence quality of the paper under consideration.
(3) Ground or Mechanical Wood Pulp
No groundwood or mechanical wood pulp should be present in any paper designed for anything more than temporary use.
(4) Acidity
It is undisputed that high acidity causes rapid deterioration of paper. Acidity is measured in two ways: the acid number is determined by volumetric analysis and indicates the amount of acid present, while the pH value is a measure of the hydrogen-ion concentration or strength of the acid. A paper testing pH 4.5, for instance, is about 30 times more acid than one testing pH 6 and is more likely to become degraded on this account.
(5) Sizing Material
The presence of large amounts of
rosin as a sizing material in paper is likely to bring about a discoloration or yellowing in papers on aging. There is general β£
agreement that the rosin content of permanent papers should be kept low, probably
below 1%.
(6) Fillers or Loading Materials
There is not complete agreement as to the significance of mineral fillers for permanent and durable papers. Too much material will probably reduce the durability of the sheet, but a small amount of the proper filler does no harm in the opinion of many paper technologists.
The Influence of Price
The paper buyer can be sure that any of these permanence specifications are better than none; they emphasize different elements of the paper, but they all agree in guiding the purchaser away from papers which have been manufactured (as many book papers are manufactured) without taking into account any permanence requirements whatsoever.
The publisher who is using small quantities of paper stands two steps removed from the manufacturers. The trade is organized to distribute paper from manufacturer to jobber or dealer and from there to printer. In some cases the manufacturing process is divided, one firm making the pulp and another the paper. Since the qualities which give a paper its permanence are due in large measure to the manufacture and processing of the pulp, it is especially desirable that the buyer should make a special effort to secure paper conforming to permanence specifications.
If he enters the market with some
permanence specifications he will probably
find his printer, and the printerβs jobber,
unequipped with any tested papers. He may
have to work his way back to the manufacturer. He will find that paper is sold
normally in 500-pound cases, but that manufacturers will often make a special run of
paper for an order as small as 1 ton (4
cases). The manufacturing and selling units
are case, ton and carload (15β18 tons). The
trade is familiar with the practice by
which price drops as the size of the order
increases to the carload; these price variations are of use in interpreting comparative pricing of paper, but of the greatest
importance because they constitute an index of the size of order which will have
sufficient importance to induce a manufacβ₯
turer to conform to permanence specifications.
The Joint Committee on Materials for Research has found some firms willing to have their paper quoted in terms of a price index. If βnormal,β i.e., low-cost book paper is $.08 a pound, then these papers would be sold at the prices listed in the table. The Rag Paper Division of the Writing Paper Manufacturers! Association advises that if the base price is $.08, the price of a permanent paper meeting their specifications should be $.32. The prices named in connection with Government Printing Office specifications are those actually bid in 1932. It must be observed that this relationship in prices prevails: the βoffset bookβ paper (not for permanent use) was bought at less than $.04, and the βpermanent record bookβ paper at over $.16. It is evident, therefore, that large quantity orders and competitive bidding can reduce prices greatly, but the ratio between prices of papers of different qualities is not radically changed.
Under normal trade conditions the trade mark-ups and discounts should permit price variations in the following scale: (A paper selling at $.05 a pound, i.e., $10.00 a case in 2Β½ ton lots).
Price from Manufacturer to Distributor
Price per Case in Lots of:
1 case | 1 ton (4 cases) | 2Β½ tons | 5 tons | 18 tons (carloads) |
$11.00 | $10.50 | $10.00 | $9.70 | $9.50 |
The distributorβs mark-up would range from $1.60 in the one-case lots to an extreme low of $.50 to $.95 in carload lots. The printerβs mark-up should be anything from 10% to 25% of what he pays the dealer. These mark-ups do not constitute an excessive charge for the distributing service offered, nor do they greatly increase publishing cost.
How does paper cost figure into
book cost? Paper is sold by the pound; a
standard size of sheet is 25β x 38β; the
weight of the paper is usually given as
that of 500 sheets, 25β x 38β. Since a
sheet of this paper will print 24 pages,
8β x 9Β½β, a ream will supply paper for β£
38 copies. Paper weighing 45 pounds to the
reamβa good stout book paper weight, as
the paper samples indicateβwill make up a
300-page book weighing a little over one
pound. The difference between the highest
and the lowest paper prices would not come
to more than $.30 a volume, or less than
10% of the cost of an edition of 300. If
the edition is small, the use of the most
expensive paper need not greatly increase
the price of the book, but may greatly increase its utility.
But most book manufacturingβpractically all commercial book manufacturingβcalls for larger editions, in which the composition and press charge is distributed over more copies, and the paper cost therefore proportionately higher. Moreover, the economics of the publishing business require that each book shall be printed in an edition larger than that for which there is immediate and certain sale. The chance of selling some of the overprint affords the prospect of profit. But the storage of unsold volumes increases the paper cost which must be borne by the volumes actually sold. If in an edition of 1000 books, weighing one pound each, the cost of paper is increased $.07 a pound (from $.07 to $.14) the increased cost levied upon the purchaser need not be more than $.07 a volume if the whole edition is sold; but if only 250 copies are sold, the ratable portion of the added paper cost which each must bear rises to $.28. It is the storage of valuable paper in unsold books that makes it so costly to use high-priced paper in commercial publishing. And therefore, two policies open out before those who would improve the lasting quality of books.
The first is the policy followed by the New York Times: publication in two editions; one a small edition, for relatively certain sale, printed on expensive rag paper of high durability and permanence; the other an edition for temporary consumption. But the publishers assert that in commercial publishing such a policy would introduce many new costs, not only on the press, but in storing and filling orders. The American Library Association favors the application of this policy to government documents.15
The second policy is that which
will be practicable as rag, purified chemical wood pulp or other papers at moderate
prices prove to have satisfactory lasting
qualities. The permanence level of all
book papers can be raised, without greatly
increasing prices. A basic economic argument helps at this point. The carefully
manufactured rag papers with alpha cellulose content up to 97% can be manufactured
to be more durable than a paper that merely passes the proposed Burton Class I tests.
But it cannot be widely used in the publishing industry because of cost; its usefulness will lie in the small editions which
do not threaten to leave their makers with
a great bulk of expensive paper unsold on
the shelves. The improvement of permanence
qualities in the normal product of the publishing trade must depend upon the development of less expensive papers. The buyer
must be induced to demand what the technicians are able to make, a rag or purified
chemical wood pulp paper manufactured for
permanence, and sold at a moderate price.
Preservation of Old Newsprint Paper
Whatever improvement in standards of manufacture and choice of paper may be anticipated, it cannot affect the fifty yearsβ legacy of inferior paper that has already been used and that now stands on our library shelves in imminent peril of dissolution. Newsprint paper is especially vulnerable. Can it be saved?
The Bureau of Standards reached a
certain point in devising a method of pressing sheets of cellulose acetate into the
newsprint fiber in such a way that the air
was excluded and tremendous folding endurance developed. This process required no
adhesives. The New York Public Library
protects some of its newspaper files by
covering both sides of the sheets with Japanese tissue paper, then smoothing them by
running them through a heated mangle. This
process has been used by the New York Public Library since 1916. Legibility is decreased somewhat, but the library feels
that its experience indicates that this disadvantage is offset by the increased
strength and lengthened span of life of the
paper. The cost of this process is β£
approximately $.08 a sheet, or $.04 a page.
emis of the New York Public Library
product is bound herewith. Dr. Joseph
Broadman of New York City has developed a
similar plan for pasting a protective transparent layer over each newsprint surface.
It is possible that the preservation of the newspaper records will not be feasible by way of the preservation of the paper, and it may be that the files printed on the most impermanent stock can be preserved only by film-copying them and letting the originals disappear. This problem will be discussed in Chapter XI in connection with the cost levels of microcopying on film. The question has already received some attention in Chapter III as a special case of reprinting material by photo-offset.
The following material was not approved by the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, but is printed herewith, not as a part of the discussion carried above, but as supplementary information offered subject to the laymanβs qualms as to its accuracy.
The Scribner-Burton specifications are as follows:
In consideration of both usage of papers and the grades of papers available, it is suggested that they might be classified in four main groups according to their degree of cellulose and non-cellulose purity, as related to their service requirements. According to such mode of classification, the present domestic printing and writing papers may be grouped as follows:
Grade I. Permanent papers, having a maximum degree of purity; free from unbleached fibers, and highly lignified fibers such as groundwood. Indicative chemical properties: alpha cellulose, 90%; copper number, 1.5; rosin, 1%; acidity, 5 pH; changes on β₯
heating 72 hours in content of alpha-cellulose should be not more than 1.5%, decrease in folding endurance not more than 25%, increase in copper number not more than 0.5.
Grade II. Papers quite highly purified that may be expected to have a minimum life of 100 years; free from unbleached fibers, and highly lignified fibers such as groundwood. Indicative chemical properties: alpha cellulose, 80%; copper number, 2.5; rosin, 165%; acidity, 5 pH.
Grade III. Papers having a fair degree of purity that may be expected to have a minimum life of 50 years; free from unbleached fibers and highly lignified fibers such as groundwood. Indicative chemical properties: alpha cellulose, 70%; copper number, 53; rosin, 2%; acidity, 5 pH.
Grade IV. Papers having a low degree of purity containing considerable organic impurities, suitable for current use only. This grade includes papers containing unbleached fibers, and highly lignified fibers such as groundwood.
All figures for chemical components in these grade descriptions are upper limits, except for alpha cellulose contents which are lower limits. Alpha cellulose content and copper number are based on total cellulose content.
As stated in these grade descriptions, the purity limits are given merely as indicative and are not suggested as specification requirements, for the fixing of specification details must necessarily be done by the consumers and manufacturers directly concerned. In each of these grades, the establishment of two or more strength requirements for each weight of paper is necessary. Also, as less strength is required in book papers than in writing papers, different strength ranges are necessary for these two classes of paper. The strength requirements, of course, β£
p.107 must be fixed with consideration of the kind and extent of mechanical stresses to which the paper will be subjected in its use. The strength gradations of the government papers should be of particular assistance in this respect, although as they refer to a testing condition of 50% relative humidity, they should be modified for commercial use to accord with the standard commercial testing condition of 65% relative humidity.
These specifications led the Joint Committee to interests itself in the possibility of utilizing a purified wood-pulp fiber in lieu of rag fiber where permanence is desired. In an effort to make a practical demonstration of the possible use of a wood-pulp paper manufactured for permanence, the Joint Committee received the cooperation of Dill and Collins, Paper Manufacturers of Philadelphia, and Scribners, publishers of the Dictionary of American Biography. Dill and Collins manufactured a sample lot of highly purified wood-pulp paper. This paper was used for one-third of the pages of 25 copies of Volume XIII of the Dictionary. An all-rag paper of high alpha cellulose content was purchased from the Worthy Paper Company for another third of the pages. The remaining third were printed on the paper supplied by the American Writing Company.
The alpha cellulose and copper number and accelerated aging test β₯
of these three papers are shown in the table below.
Concern | Alpha Cellulose | Copper Number | Loss of Folding Endurance under Accelerated Aging Test | Alpha Content After Aging |
Dill and Collins purified wood pulp | 90.7% | ____ | ____% | 87.25% |
Worthy Paper Co. all-rag stock | 95.41 | .45 | ____% | 94.2 |
Dictionary of American Biography | 83.11 | 2.307 | 6% | Β |
American Writing Co. all-rag stock | 95.00 | Β | Β | 91.8 |
These 25 copies have been placed on the shelves of the following libraries, where they will encounter different kinds of air and use. The reader is advised to examine them.
- Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire
- Boston Public Library, Boston, Massachusetts
- Columbia University, New York City
- New York Public Library, New York City
- St. Lawrence University, Canton, New York
- Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
- University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
- Public Library, Jacksonville, Florida
- Howard Memorial Library, New Orleans, Louisiana
- St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis, Missouri
- Cincinnati Public Library, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio
- Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- John Crerar Library, Chicago, Illinois
- Iowa State College Library, Ames, Iowa
- Butte Public Library, Butte, Montana β£
- Colorado College Library, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- University of Arizona Library, Tucson, Arizona
- University of Southern California Library, Los Angeles
- University of California Library, Berkeley, California
- Seattle Public Library, Seattle, Washington
- Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- McGill University Library, Montreal, Canada
- Dalhousie University Library, Halifax, Nova Scotia
To the publisher all this complexity is reduced to two simple questions: what price shall he pay for book paper, and what weight shall he give to the ragβcontent specification as against other specifications, such as those stated in terms of alpha cellulose content?
Let it be supposed then that the evidence is clear and undisputed that high price alone, and rag-content specifications alone, offer no guarantee of permanence, and even though the technician soon draws the layman beyond his depth in the discussion of specifications, a few facts stand out as agreed or uncontested.
- A paper meeting the Scribner-Burton specifications for maximum permanence, with a life probability greater than that of most of the all-rag book papers on the market, can be made without rags, from purified wood fibers.
- A paper capable of surviving more severe tests than those proposed by Scribner, with a life probability greater than that of the best purified wood-pulp paper, can be made of new muslin cuttings.
- The adoption and enforcement of specifications calling for either of the two papers described above would constitute an immense improvement over current practices.
The difference in permanence between paper meeting Scribner specifications and paper surpassing those β₯
specifications is an unknown quantity; a definite estimate of the price difference can be made: if permanent purified wood-pulp papers cost $.10 to $.15 a pound, then the special permanent rag papers should cost from $.16 to $.35 a pound.
Correspondence with a number of paper manufacturers has yielded the information tabulated as to papers now available on the market. The results of the tests are as given by the manufacturers themselves; they have not been checked.
Because other paper manufacturers may wish to offer papers meeting these specifications, the writer has asked the Rag Paper Manufacturersβ Association, Springfield, Massachusetts, and the American Pulp and Paper Association, New York City, to receive the names of manufacturers who may wish to offer products conforming to these specifications, and transmit them to prospective paper purchasers upon request.
The following firms are among those which will test papers to cover all the particulars of the specifications tabulated:
New York Testing Laboratories
80th Street and East Avenue, New York City
Arthur D. Little
Charles River Road, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Skinner and Sherman, Inc.
276 Sherman Street, Boston, Massachusetts
United States Testing Company
1415 Park Avenue, Hoboken, New Jersey
Bond Papers and Onionskin
Another field in which permanence is of great importance is that of bond papers, used for typescript correspondence and records of the archival type, and also in connection with the various near-print methods of reproducing text, such as mimeograph and hectograph. The general business practice of the country calls β£
p.109 for a more permanent stock of paper for letters than for books, and a less permanent stock for carbon copies than for books. The average business letter sheet will last longer than the average book page; the average carbon copy will fall to pieces sooner.
As the problems of archive administration in business become better understood, it will no doubt become apparent that the carbon copies of certain classes of correspondence require more permanence qualities than the originals themselves, since they constitute the firmβs records of its own commitments. The greater part of business correspondence is systematically destroyed after a period of a few years, but for those classes of business correspondence that are intended for permanent preservation, it is appropriate to insist upon paper specifications comparable to those used for permanent record books. Onionskin papers of rag content are available, and the Eaton Paper Company has developed a line of purified wood-pulp onionskin paper. Some of their literature credits this line with 93% alpha cellulose. Test data supplied by the Brightwater Paper Company on the same or a similar line shows alpha cellulose content of 88.25, copper number 1.68, and loss of folding endurance in accelerated aging, 37%. The writer has not explored the bond paper field except in a haphazard way, but believes that in the main the technological considerations governing permanence are the same for bond as for book papers, and that the argument for using chemical and performance specifications is as good in the one case as in the other. β₯
Beauty and Legibility in Papers
The analysis of the paper situation from the standpoint of permanence has not taken into account the paper quality upon which the buyers of paper are most insistent, namely, beauty. The importance of an attractive paper in scholarly publishing is not alone its artistic contribution to the quality of a finished book, but also its relation to legibility. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that the legibility or attractiveness of a printed text is the product of many variables, such as size of type, format of page, and use of print face as against typescript letters. It is clear that paper quality also enters into legibility as an important variable. It seems quite probable that the product of the hectograph, with its light purple ink, could be made more legible and attractive if run on a yellow-ivory paper. A reader choosing between typescript and print face on a book page would have his choice materially affected if the print face should be offered on an unattractive paper, the typescript on a beautiful one. And here again a fundamental rule of small edition publishing must be respected: that because the paper cost is so small a part of the total cost, an economical place to seek for quality in the product is by using the highest class of paper. β£
Paper Specifications Proposed for Permanence | Papers on Market are Available If Demanded | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Class I | Class I and III | Rag Papers | Mixed, or WoodβPulp Papers | ||||||||||||||||||||
British Library Association Class I "Highest quality permanent record" |
U. S. Rag Paper Mfg. Association specifications for highest permanence | U. S. Rag Paper Mfg. Association specifications for highest permanence | U. S. Bureau of Standards "Maximum purity for permanent record" | British Library Association Class II Relative permanence and competitive price | U. S. Rag Paper Mfg. Association Class II |
U. S. Bureau of Standards. Class II High purity; semi-permanent records | U. S. Bureau of Standards. Class III Fair purity; moderate longevity | Strathmore Paper Co. Permanent Book (made of new rags) | U. S. Government Printing Office Permanent Record Book | Harper Inc. 100 B. R. Rag Newsprint |
Harper Inc. 100 B. R. Rag Book |
Hurlbert Paper Company | Worthy Paper Company (Worthy Hadrian) |
Worthy Paper Company Plain Laid Book |
Worthy Paper Company Low Price All-Rag Book |
U. S. Government Printing Office 50% Rag Book |
U. S. Government Printing Office Offset Book |
Brown Company Paper A |
Brown Company Paper B |
Brown Company Paper C |
Warren Paper Company Paper A |
Fiber | Stock: rag or wood content, or alpha cellulose | 100% new rags | 100% new rags | 90% alpha cell. | 100% chem. wood | 100% chem. wood | 80% alpha cell. | 70% alpha cell. | 97% alpha cell. | 100% new rags | 100% mixed rag | 100% mixed rag | 100% new rags | 100% new rags | 100% old rag | 100% old rag | 50% new rags 50% chem. wood | 100% chem. wood | β 95% β 80% alpha cell. | 95% alpha cellulose | 95% alpha cellulose | 93% alpha cellulose | |
Quality and Aging Test | Decreased alpha cell. after heating 72 hrs. 100Β° | 1.5 | 0.5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Copper number not over | 0.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 3.5 | 0.25 | .47 | 1.35 | 1.12 | 0.72 | 0.58 | 1.5β1.8 | 1β1.2 | 1β1.2 | |||||||||
Increased copper number after heating 72 hrs. 100Β° C. | 0.5 | 0.1 | 0.45 | 0.39 | 0.53 | ||||||||||||||||||
Acidity | Acidity: hydrogen-ion concentration not below | 5Β½β6 pH | 5 pH | 4Β½ pH | 5 pH | 4.5 pH | 4.5 pH | 5.2 ph | 5 pH | 6.2pH | 4.62 pH | 4.30 pH | 4.4 pH | 4.7 pH | 4.5 pH | 5β6 pH | 5.5β5.9 pH | 5.5β5.8pH | |||||
Acid number less than | .25 | .25 | .25 | .21 | .30 | ||||||||||||||||||
Size and Loading | Percentage of rosin sizing not over | 1.2 | 1.0 | 2 | 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 0.5 | 1 | .5 | 1.25 | 1.55 | 1.34 | 1.5 | 1.25 | .5 | |||||||
Percentage of mineral loading not over | 5 | 5 | 12 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Percentage of ash not over | 3.5 | 15 | .600 | .601 | .994 | 15 | 15 | .2 | .15 | .15 | |||||||||||||
Physical Quality and Aging Test | Weight, (500 sheets, 25x38 inches) lbs. | 47.5 | 47.5 | 47.5 | 60 | 45 | 60 | 50 | 80 | 60 | 45 | 60 | |||||||||||
Folding endurance, average, double folds | 125 | 60 | 30 | 100 | 75 | 64 | 16 | 1371 | 22 | 16 | 10 | ||||||||||||
Decreased folding endurance after heating 72 hrs. | 25% | 10% | 37% | 37% | 42% | ||||||||||||||||||
Price | Approximate or basic price | 35Β’? | 17Β’? | 24Β½Β’ | 23Β½Β’ | 35Β’ | 22Β’ | 16Β’ | 6Β½Β’ | 3Β½Β’ | 10Β’ | ΒΉβ΄βββ Β’ | |||||||||||
Availability | In stock | 1932 bid | In stock | In stock | Not in stock | In stock | In stock | In stock | 1932 bid | 1932 bid | Not in stock, but can be manufactured | Can be mfg. in ton lots |
Arthur E. Kimberly, and Adelaide L. Emley, βA Study of the Deterioriation of Book Papers in Libraries,β Bureau of Standards Miscellaneous Publications, No. 140.Β ↩
Despite the fact that the very oldest paper of allβthe early Chineseβseems to have been made from grass fibers.Β ↩
βNo. 1 old rags.βΒ ↩
βNo. 2 old rags.βΒ ↩
A paper made directly from raw cotton was being developed in 1934 by one paper company in America. Ramie grass fibers are proposed as another paper-making material, but the writer knows of no firm actually using them.Β ↩
Alpha cellulose can be separated from its bad relatives, beta and gamma cellulose, by giving the fibers a bath in caustic soda. Some of the cellulose of the fibers will be dissolved into a liquid. Some of the liquid can then be jelliedβthis is beta cellulose. Some of the liquid refuses to jellβthis is gamma cellulose. But the pure, strong cellulose resists the action of the caustic soda. It is alpha cellulose, the white hope of paper chemistry.Β ↩
The Brown Company, pulp manufacturers of Berlin, New Hampshire, have developed some of these refining processes and have put their highly purified pulp on the market as βsolka fiber.β Paper chemists are not certain as to how far such highly purified wood pulps can displace rag fibers as an ingredient for permanent papers. The Brown Company sponsored a study of this problem at the Bureau of Standards.Β ↩
Taken from John O. Burton, βPermanence Studies of Commercial Book Paper,β Bureau of Standards Journal of Research, 7, 437β9 (1931).Β ↩
B. W. Scribner, βPermanence Standards for Printing and Writing Papers,β LII, 19, pp. 52β5 (May-August, 1930); also Paper Mill, LIII, p. 13, June 21, 1930.Β ↩
The full text of the Scribner-Burton specifications is in the Appendix at the end of this Chapter.Β ↩
It should be noted here that an additional βstabilityβ specification is included for Class I papers: that alpha cellulose content should not decrease more than 1.5%, folding endurance more than 25%, and copper number should not increase more than .05%,after the paper is heated 72 hours at 100Β° C.Β ↩
Issue of December 8, 1932, p. 15. Government specifications for permanent papers antedate all other similar specifications in this country by several years.Β ↩
John O. Burton, βPermanence Studies of Current Commercial Book Papers,β Bureau of Standards Journal of Research, VII (1931), 429β39.Β ↩
These tests were made in 1920; the manufacturers since that time have probably improved their products. But some advertising is still misleading. The writer has seen advertising matter which proposed the following absurd specifications: 50 to 100 years, 100% rag; 35 to 50 years, 75% rag; 15 to 35 years, 50% rag; 5 to 15 years, 25% rag; 3 to 5 years, sulphite.Β ↩
The University of California Press applies it to scientific publications, printing 25 copies on a rag stock conforming to U. S. Government Printing Office specifications for highest permanence (see chart).Β ↩