Printed Books
- Printing with Raised Type on Cylinder Presses
- Printing: Composition Costs
- Printing: Area Costs
- Printing: Running Costs
- Printing: Analysis of Costs
- Multigraph Process
- Alternatives to Printing
- Reprinting: Photo-Offset Process
- Photo-Offset: Composition Costs
- Photo-Offset: Area Costs
- Photo-Offset: Reprint Economy
- Photo-Offset: Outlook for the Future
- Reprint Processes: Dermaprint
Word count: 14100
The publishers of commercially successful books have very little occasion to
study the cost curve of editions in the
range of 50 to 500, this range
in edition size that library demand and
scholarly interest indicate as the most important in the reproduction of research materials. The cost curve behaves very
strangely in this zone, so that the judgment of busines men acquainted with large-edition printing may be of little value
here. How can these costs be analyzed most
clearly, and the respective places of the
various techniques of book production determined?
The stages of book production separate costs into three primary elements: a “first cost,” incurred regardless of the size of the edition; a “running cost,” varying with the size of edition; and a “reprint cost,” incurred when an edition is exhausted and a new printing made from plates. The reprint cost is independent of the size of the reprint edition; it is a kind of second “first cost,” followed by a running cost that varies with the size of edition.
The first cost is itself divisible
into two very important elements: composition costs, here defined as all costs that
vary with the number of words; and area
costs, which are those that vary with the
area of paper used in a single copy. Composition costs are found in typewriting
and linotyping; area costs are found in
some of the pressroom operations. To print
in large type rather than in small affects
principally area costs, not composition
costs, because it means spreading the same
number of words over more paper; to reproduce by photolithography is to render area
costs paramount elements of first cost. Reprint costs are affected in printing by
storing type (rates running around $.01 per
page per month), or by making stereotypes
and electrotypes; in photo-offset, by saving the metal sheets; in
mimeographing, by ∥
saving the stencils.
The librarian receives as a book any bound volume, however it may have been manufactured. Library shelves give their space to many bound volumes of photostated pages (mostly copies of rare books) and many bound volumes of typescript (mostly theses). Occasionally a bound volume produced by the mimeograph finds its way to the shelves. In recent years there have been a number of books produced by the photo-offset method from typescript master copies. Many reprints of old books are manufactured by photo-offset. Such parvenu volumes, invading the library shelves, are regarded with no little contempt by the exponents of established printing press products already in possession. How far are these different techniques suitable for the production of books? How is the field to be allotted among them?
Here it is necessary to note that the book itself is challenged, even in the library. The vertical file, housing an array of unbound memoranda, pamphlets, propaganda matter, broadsides, and other materials, some of permanent value and some ephemeral, has come into the library reference room to take business away from the bookshelves. And now from another quarter comes the possible development of reduced copies on film of material to be read by projection, threatening the books with more serious technological unemployment. Not only the ordinary printed book of the conventional form, but even the book itself is placed in a competitive position where it once possessed a monopoly. It will require no little care to make sure that competition between the book and its rivals is regulated in the best interests of scholarship.
The starting point of an analysis
of the technological problem of book production is a fundamental distinction to be
made between two types of cost behavior,
instanced by the photostat on the one hand, ∣
the printing press on the other. When copies are multiplied by the photostat or in
miniature film copies, no matter how large
the edition, the cost per copy stands constant. The element of “first cost” is absent; running costs alone prevail. This
was the cost situation of all multiplying
of writing before Gutenberg. The invention of printing introduced a situation in
which the cost per copy fell as the size of
the edition increased. For purposes of
convenience all those techniques which operate on a cost system resembling printing
will be analyzed first, and those techniques which operate on or near a pre-Gutenberg cost basis will be analyzed later.
Of the techniques operating on the system resembling printing (i.e., with a substantial distinction between first costs and running costs), several classifications are possible. The one that will probably appeal to scholars as the most natural would distinguish between those techniques which produce a book printed in the kind of book type with which they are familiar, and those which produce a book printed in typescript.
Of the techniques yielding a product in print-face type, there are two that are available for putting new material into book form: these are printing from raised type on a flat-bed cylinder press, and printing from raised type on a multigraphing machine. Two other techniques are available for making new books from photographs of old ones. These are the photo-offset method, which has many names,1 and the “dermaprint” method. The photo-offset process works from a negative photographic copy to a metal printing surface, the dermaprint from a positive photographic copy to a mimeograph stencil surface.
There are also four techniques for
making books in typescript face. Among
them the leading place belongs to photo-offset, but room must also be found for the
mimeograph, hectograph, and even the humble carbon paper. These techniques will be
discussed in a later chapter. This present analysis is limited to the discussion
of making books in ordinary print type from ∥
one of two kinds of copy—a manuscript that
is being converted into a new book, and an
old book that is being reprinted.
Printing with Raised Type on Cylinder Presses
From the time of John Gutenberg until that of Ottmar Mergenthaler, the process of printing remained fundamentally the same. Separate types, laboriously set up by hand, were used to make impressions upon paper or other substances. With the invention of the typesetting and typecasting machines in the nineteenth century, however, a revolution in printing methods was effected.
The most common typesetting machines, remarkable in their ingenious mechanism, are the linotype, invented by Mergenthaler, and the intertype, built upon the mechanical principles devised by him. These machines, which produce the greater percentage of composition in this country, assemble matrices containing the faces of letters in intaglio at the side of a mold, in which is cast the complete line in one piece or slug, with the type on the upper edge, properly spaced and justified. The Ludlow Typograph, another slug-casting machine, is used chiefly for display work. The monotype, invented by Tolbert Lanston, casts individual types in the correct order and automatically transfers them to a galley in justified lines.
The type as cast by the compositor is arranged in long columns. These must be proofread and “made-up,” that is to say, divided into pages and arranged in forms in such a way that the printed sheet, when folded, will page correctly.
The printing is then done on a
flat-bed cylinder press. The type as laid
on the flat surface, with its thousands of
slugs and individual types, does not present a true surface, It is, therefore,
necessary to prepare the surface of the
printing machine cylinder (called the tym-
pan sheet) so that even pressure is given
on every part on the type. This operation
which is a most laborious affair if conscientiously done, is called “make-ready.”
Without careful make-ready, satisfactory ∣
results are unobtainable.
This figure, showing a page of 10-point Century and a page of 10-point Granjon, both leaded two points, gives a comparison of the varying word content made possible by the use of different type faces of the same point size. These pages were reproduced from the Wolff Type Book with the kind permission of the Wolff Book Manufacturing Company.
Sample Page to Illustrate Letterpress Format on 6¾”x9½” Page
In order to secure an economical print-face format, various factors must be taken into consideration. Among these are the compactness and size of the type-face, the amount of leading, and the width of the margins.
In discussing type-sizes and type-faces, it may be well to know of the graduated or uniform scale for measuring type which is now used by American type-founders. This scale is known as the point system. The unit of the system is a division of space called a point, which is .013837 or ¹⁄₇₂ of an inch. All type sizes are multiples of this unit of measurement. The smallest type generally used is 5-point or Pearl. 6-point or Nonpareil and 8-point or Brevier are frequently used for footnotes in monographic work. 7-point or Minion is commonly used for newsprint. 10-point or Long Primer is best suited for regular book composition. Examples of these type-sizes can conveniently be found by looking under “type” in Webster’s International Dictionary of the English Language. The use of a type-size smaller than 10-point effects an economy in make-up and make-ready but not in composition, for a given manuscript will require approximately the same number of “ems” in various sizes of type.
As a given font of type has an exact point-size in its depth, so the individual characters of that font have a definite width of “set.” The average width of the character “m” in a type-face is as great as its depth; in a word, the letter “m” is exactly square. This is the case in commonly used type-faces like Caslon Old Style, Scotch Roman and Modern, where in 10-point the set size of the letter “m” is also 10 points. In a compact type-face, like the one used for this composition, the set size of the letter “m” is only 9½ points, with all other characters having a corresponding compactness. By the use of this type-face, known as Granjon, a considerable saving can be effected in composition costs if these are reckoned up by multiplying the width by the length of the line. If composition costs are determined by the number of key-strokes instead of the amount of type matter, this type-face would effect a saving not in composition costs, but in area costs only.
Excessive leading is not compatible with good value in book-making, and should be prevented, if possible, by instructions by the publisher to the printer. The type of this page is leaded one point; in a word, 11-point type is cast on a 12-point body.
Much space is often wasted in margins. The formula for margins given by Gress1 calls for top and back margin to be equal; the outside to be equal to the top plus one-third of the back margin; and the bottom to be equal to the outside margin plus two picas (or about one-fourth inch). This formula is followed in the format here illustrated.
This page format has been designed by the R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company of Chicago as one taking account of the economies possible in page
1 W. B. Gress, Advanced Typography (Washington, 1931), p. 125.
Sample Page to Illustrate Letterpress Format on 6¾”x9¼” Page
A two-column page is economical because it permits a fuller utilization of the page size. The width of the margins can be decreased without loss of proportion, while the size of type can be reduced without serious loss of legibility. Thus the word content of a page can be very materially increased.
In constructing a two-column page format, the relationship between the line length and the type-size as a factor affecting legibility is an important consideration. The most significant work in establishing this relationship has been done by M. A. Tinker and D. G. Paterson at the University of Minnesota. In a series of articles in the Journal of Applied Psychology their experimental investigations are described. In the April 1929 issue on pages 120-130 is found a report in regard to the “Size of Type.” After experimenting with 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 points of type, Paterson and Tinker concluded that “10 point type yields the fastest reading and is thus the optimum size of type for efficient reading.” They also pointed out, in the course of their discussion, that “one is seldom justified in reducing printing space to such a degree that speed of reading is markedly decreased.” In the June 1929 issue on pages 205-19 Paterson and Tinker report on the “Length of Line.” After investigating texts in 10-point type in 59, 80, 97, 114, 136, 152, 168, and 186 mm. line lengths, they believe the conclusion is justified that “for 10 point type, an 80 mm. (or 19 pica) line yields the fastest reading and is therefore the optimum length of line for efficient reading.” In the February 1931 issue on pages 72-78, Tinker and Paterson report on the “Simultaneous Variation of Type and Line Length.” They investigated the legibility of 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 point types set in line lengths, proportionally increased or decreased from 10-point on 19 picas. Thus 6-point was set in a 16 pica, 8-point in a 17 pica, 10-point in a 19 pica, 12-point in a 23 pica, and 14-point in a 27 pica line. Their conclusions are the following:
The results obtained in this experiment seem to justify the conclusion that line for line arrangements varying from a standard text printed in 10 point with ∥
an optimal line length of 19 picas yield equally efficient reading performance for 8 and 10 point type, and possibly for larger sizes. The evidence shows that 6 point type with line length reduced as stated is read at a significantly slower rate.
The experiment yields evidence that, within certain limits, neither size of type nor line length as single variables can be relied upon in determining optimal typographical arrangements. Both factors (and perhaps others as well) work hand in hand and must be properly balanced to produce a printed page which will promote the maximum reading rate.
The typescript pages of this book are arranged in a two-column format with a line length approximating the optimal line length for 10-point type. Since it is difficult to find the typescript equivalent of 10-point type, it is not possible to determine whether the typescript size used in this book will yield the tastest reading, but it is likely that it approaches the optimum size of type for efficient reading.
This double-column format in print-face has a printing surface of 5¼ x 7¼ inches, with line lengths of 15 picas. The type-size used is 10-point for the regular composition and 8-point for the two paragraphs of quotation. The type-face is Granjon. It has been possible to prepare this page through the courtesy of the R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company of Chicago.
Printing: Composition Costs
In printing from raised type on flat-bed cylinder presses, composition costs form a major item of expense in the manufacture of a book. To be sure, the composing machines, by increasing the speed and accuracy of composition, have reduced its cost, so that hand-set type, when used in straight textual matter, has become a luxury. But the elaborate mechanism necessary for casting type makes the cost of the machines so high (from $4000 to $8000) that a heavy overhead charge is necessary. The all-inclusive cost per chargeable hour for the operation of the machines range from $3.00 to $5.00. The composite average for print shops in the United States in 1932 was $3.927, according to the United Typothetae of America. The composite for monotype keyboard operation was $3.466, and for the monotype caster $2.858. These figures include all factory expenses, commercial and selling expenses, overhead, and the wages of skilled compositors, which form 45% of the total. In estimating cost of composition, a standard unit of 1000 ems is used; that is, the amount of text that will occupy the lineage of a thousand of the letter m, or, to be more accurate, the square of any particular type size. If the number of ems per word is calculated at four, there would be 250 words per 1000 ems. Since a compositor will set from 3000 to 5000 ems per hour, the cost of machine composition, reckoning on the basis of $3.00 to $5.00 per machine hour, would run between $2.40 and $6.65 per 1000 words.
Theoretically, the amount of composition is determined by multiplying the
number of ems in one line by the number of
lines set. It is the general trade practice, however, in measuring up type for the
purpose of finding the cost of composition,
to include headings, leads, slugs, etc., as
composed lines.2 Thus the number of ems in
the page is found by multiplying the width
by the length of the line. The author,
therefore, pays in composition for excessive leading.
The majority of books appear in 10-point type on 11-point body, the ∥
majority of newspapers in 6½-point or
7-point type on 7-point body. For each additional point of leading the author ordinarily pays about 10% more in composition.
It is questionable whether legibility demands more than one point of lead between
lines. Certainly types like Caslon Old
Style, with its long descenders, can be
sparsely leaded without suffering in legibility.
Composition costs can be controlled in some measure by using a compact type face. Most of the commonly used type faces, like Caslon Old Style, Scotch Roman and Modern, have a set corresponding to the face size, that is, an em of these type faces is square; others, like Binny Old Style and Century Expanded, are used at a slightly wider set; while others, like Bruce Old Style, Kennerley, Garamond, and Granjon, are cast on a slightly narrower set. Thus a page of a certain number of ems of Granjon would contain 7% to 10% more words than a corresponding page with the same number of ems of Century Expanded, as is obvious by comparing the word content of Figure I. Two economical print-face formats are shown in figures II and III.
The difference in words per 1000 ems between a compact and expanded type face, plus the difference between minimal and excessive leading, may make an appreciable difference in composition costs for a book of a few hundred pages, perhaps as much as 10% or 20%.
Most of the printing done in America is newsprinting. The American public reads more words in newsprint than in any other form. The publication of scholarly books, if estimated in number of ems, or area of pages, or tonnage of paper and size of edition, is almost negligible in comparison with the corresponding newsprint figures. Yet books, in general, are printed in larger type than newspapers, and with a layout that devotes a much larger proportion of the page area to margins. Newsprint in two-inch columns, as standardized in the American press, is certainly a format of remarkable cheapness and efficiency.
As a factor increasing composition
costs, corrections and alterations deserve
particular attention. From a description ∣
of the typesetting machines, especially the
linotype and intertype, it is obvious that
making corrections in the matter already
set up is a costly operation, because each
error requires the substitution of an en-
tire line. With the monotype, corrections
are somewhat cheaper, for only a single
letter, already cast, need be substituted.
After composition has been made to correspond to the copy, all changes subsequently made by the author or his publisher, whether in the text or in the arrangement of paragraphs, are considered as author’s alterations and are charged against him. Not infrequently the author is presented with a bill for his alterations almost equaling that of the original composition costs. Author’s alterations are usually charged on the basis of time at the rate of about $2.00 to $4.00 per hour, varying with the wage scale, and higher when made by machine than when made by hand. In some cases alterations are billed on a unit basis with standard unit prices for changes, which enable the customer to check his bill. In some cases a free allowance, possibly 10% above the original composition, is made by the printer for author’s alterations, which means simply that this factor has been figured into the original bid.
Author’s corrections would be entirely unnecessary if the author would devote the same attention to the preparation of copy as he would to making a master copy for photo-offset, and be equally satisfied to accept this as a final form. By deliberately preparing a manuscript which would justify the instruction to “follow copy,” the author would contribute to a low cost level in ordinary printing in the same way, though in a less degree, as by taking upon himself the making of the master copy for the photo-offset process. Some editors affirm that authors are so given to habits of carelessness that reform in this respect is possible only by changing human nature.
Printing: Area Costs
As in the case of composition costs,
it is difficult for the author to control
area costs in raised type printing. Area
costs consist of make-up and make-ready.
These operations increase in cost with the
number of pages, but also greatly increase
whenever it is necessary to fit type around ∥
pictorial or non-textual matter during
make-up, or whenever the tympan sheet on
the press must be prepared for pictorial
matter during make-ready.
The fundamental unit of all area costs in raised type printing is the form or signature. The form is the area of type that fills the bed of the press, and is imposed upon the paper in one printing operation. The signature is the sheet of paper, printed on both sides, which is folded into a definite number of pages—usually sixteen or thirty-two. The area costs of printing mount form by form and signature by signature. It is wasteful of area to utilize only a portion of a form or to leave part of a signature unprinted. Printing economy always requires that there be such a calculation of type face, type size, and leading that the text comes out even with the forms and signatures. Just as ems, not words, are the main cost units in composition, so forms and signatures, not pages, are the determining quantities in area costs.
The amount of space a manuscript will occupy can be calculated either by counting the number of words in a suffcient number of lines and then multiplying by the number of lines, or by figuring the number of letters or words to the square inch. The average typewriter, with pica type, writes sixty letters single-spaced and thirty letters double-spaced; and with elite type writes seventy-two letters single-spaced and thirty-six letters double-spaced to the square inch. The average print-face type, on the other hand, has approximately the following number of letters to the square inch:
Size of Type | Solid | Leaded |
6-point | 204 | 153 |
8-point | 153 | 119 |
1O-point | 98 | 84 |
12-point | 72 | 60 |
The average print-face type, moreover, has approximately the following number of words to the square inch:
Size of Type | Solid | Leaded |
6-point | 47 | 34 |
8-point | 32 | 23 |
10-point | 21 | 16 |
12-point | 14 | 11 |
This figure, showing a page of 8-point Bodoni and a page of 10-point Bodoni type, both leaded one point, gives a comparison of the varying word content made possible by the use of different size type in the same face. These pages were reproduced from the Wolff Type Book with the kind permission of the Wolff Book Manufacturing Company.
Page 17, first column, twelfth line from the bottom which now reads “…would yield 800 pages, 24,600 words”, should read, “…would yield 800 words per page, 24,600 words….”
The number of pages, and hence the number
of forms, required will vary with the point
size of the type, the compactness of the
type, and the amount of leading.
An important difference is to be noted in the effect upon costs of faces and compactness of type on the one hand, and point, size on the other. True it is that resort to compact type faces and light leading will mean fewer pages and hence fewer forms than extended faces and heavy leading. But the greatest difference in area costs is a resultant of two other factors—the proportion of paper given to text as compared with the proportion given to margins, and the point size of type. These elements of cost, more than any others, are likely to be related most directly to the beauty and legibility of text.
According to Vernon,3 there is no great variation in legibility between 6-point type and 10-point type. Readers and reviewers, however, often express preference for the larger type sizes, and their preferences, even if they be regarded as the results of habit rather than the consequences of the physiology of vision, must be taken into account by a publisher. How far it is wise to let considerations of economy in area costs bring about the use of the smaller type sizes must be calculated by comparing two quantities: namely, the percentage of cost saving that can be effected by shifting from the largest to the smallest type, and the sacrifice of legibility or beauty that results from such a shift.
How rapidly will area costs fall if
type size is reduced? Consider a 6″ x 9″
page, with a printing surface 4½″
x 7½″, printed with 32-page forms. Newsprint in two columns with half an inch between them would yield 800 pages, 24,600
words per form (according to an actual
count of words). Eight-point type, leaded
one point would put 25,000 words on a form;
100-point type in the same type face, leaded one point, would put 17,500 words on a
form. Figure IV shows the increase in word
content per page that is made possible by
shifting from 10-point Bodoni type to 8-point Bodoni, both being leaded one point.
The shift from 10-point to 8-point type
would save one form out of three, or one-∥
third of the area cost in a text of 50,000
Printing: Running Costs
Running costs are not decisive in small editions. The difference between the cost of printing 50 and 100 copies is so small that firms often quote the same price for both. It is thus possible to have an overprint, which can be left in sheets until needed, at a very slight additional cost. Even with books of larger editions this procedure is followed. The Encyclopedia Britannica, for example, is printed in lots of 15,000, but is bound in lots of 2500 only. Electrotypes are made which are preserved for further printing, and the type is kept standing for making corrections and for making new electrotypes.
As the size of the edition increases to the point where composition and make-ready costs begin to be balanced by the cost of materials and running time in the press, the established conceptions covering book costs become operative. Many of the great inventions in the printing world since the Linotype have been devices of one kind or another for getting the printing surface on a cylinder and off the flat-bed, so that faster running and longer runs would be possible. This is the story of the stereotype, cast from a matrix, and of the electrotype, resulting from coating an impression in wax electrolytically with copper. But they have no place in the calculations of costs of small editions.
Printing: Analysis of Costs
In analyzing the composition, the
area, and the running costs for producing
a book by straight printing, one might
take the cost behavior in Chicago as an example. A book of 50,000 words in an edition Of 250, on 128 6″ x 9″ pages, could be
made for $246.57. Taking these figures as
an illustrative sample, it appears that for
composing and printing a book, about 50%
of the cost goes for composition, about
32% for make-up, 12% for make-ready, and
6% for actual printing in a minimum edition.
There is, however, great dissimilarity in
the amount which the different departments
contribute to the cost of the finished
product in various shops of the country. ∣
For hour costs of composing 50,000 words at a composite rate of $3.55 per hour for Chicago printers, without allowance for profit, the total would be … | $127.50 |
For hour costs of printing 250 impressions, the time allowed per form being .35 ours: according to Hoch,4 or a total of 2.80 hours, at a composite rate of $4.90 per hour for flat-bed cylinder presses for Chicago printers, without allowance for profit, the total would be … | 13.72 |
For wages at the prevailing rate of $1.225 per hour in 1922 for make-up and lock-up, the time required for eight 16-page forms being 64 hours, the total wage bill would be … | 78.40 |
For wages at the prevailing rate of $1.225 per hour in 1933 for make-ready, the time required for a book of 128 pages, for which eight forms of 16 pages would be necessary, a deduction of .5 hours from the first make-ready time of 3.5 hours being allowed for the seven repetitive forms, the time required being 22 hours, the total wage bill would be … | 26.95 |
$246.57 |
In general, the wages paid to low-wage
skilled labor for composition work and for
make-up and make-ready must account for a
large part of the printer’s bill. The averages of the United Typothetae of America
show that wages account for approximately
45% of the cost of printing. Wages constantly increase in proportion to the total cost of production as the size of the
edition decreases. The printing and publishing business, which is under the same
pressure as other industries toward decentralization away from the big cities, can
be expected to decentralize most rapidly
its small-edition publishing. There is
now setting in a contrary pressure toward
the standardization of wages, but unless
the regional and urban-rural differentials
are closed up, small-edition publishing ∥
can be expected to drift to the
The Multigraph Process
In multigraphing, the scholar encounters the curious situation that while he is trying to find an economical means of making small runs that will look like printing rather than typescript, the business man is trying to make large runs that will look like typescript rather than print. The multigraph (Figure V) is a small rotary printing machine designed for office use and employed chiefly for printing form letters and circulars of one or more pages in imitation of typescript and for making office forms from print-face type in imitation of printing.5
Model 100 Multigraph
(Paper size 6 x 9 inches)
(12 pt. type)
The Multigraph, employed chiefly for printing form letters, becomes a factor in the field of reproduction, when used in combination with type-setting machinery.
The best adaptation in the field of reproduction has been made by Mimeoform Press, 1320 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., under the direction of Mr. Ernest Kletsch, who styles his process the Mimeoform Process. Mr. Kletsch uses a Lanston monotype for setting type, with a special take off, which delivers the line of short type, properly spaced and justified, to the channels of the multigraph drum in page form, doing away with galley proof. Proof reading done, corrections are quickly made away from caster. Type-setting is combined with make-up, and running costs, in small editions, are smaller than the cost of making signatures for the flat-bed press; the Mimeoform Process, therefore, is the cheapest method of presenting textual matter in print-face type, in editions up to five hundred.
Publishing by Mimeoform Process demands spacing of six lines to the inch regardless of type size (8, 10, and 12 point). Illustrations, even half tones can be combined with text at no greater cost than for printing, if curved plates are provided. The most economical Mimeoform format is an 8-1/2” by 11” page, set in ten-point type.
(Paper size 6 x 9 inches)
(8 pt. type)
The Multigraph, employed chiefly for printing form letters, becomes a factor in the field of reproduction, when used in combination with typesetting machinery.
The best adaptation in the field of reproduction has been made by Mimeoform Press, 1320 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., under the direction of Mr. Ernest Kletsch, who styles his process the Mimeoform Process. Mr. Kletsch uses a Lanston monotype for setting type, with a special take off, which delivers the line of short type, properly spaced and justified, to the channels of the multigraph drum in page form, doing away with galley proof. Proof reading done, corrections are quickly made away from caster. Type-setting is combined with makeup, and running costs, in small editions, are smaller than the cost of making signatures for the flat-bed press; the Mimeoform Process, therefore, is the cheapest method of presenting textual matter in print-face type, in editions up to five hundred.
Publishing by Mimeoform Process demands spacing of six lines to the inch regardless of type size (8, 10, and 12 point). illustrations, even half tones, can be combined with text at no greater cost than for printing, if curved plates are provided. The most economical Mimeoform format is an 8-1/2” by 11” page, set in ten-point type.
(Paper size 8-1/2 by 11 inches)
The Multigraph, employed chiefly for printing form letters, becomes a factor in the field of reproduction, when used in combination with type-setting machinery.
The best adaptation in the field of reproduction has been made by Mimeoform Press, 1320 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., under the direction of Mr. Ernest Kletsch, who styles his process the Mimeoform Process. Mr. Kletsch uses a Lanston monotype for setting type, with a special take off, which delivers the line of short type, properly spaced and justified, to the channels of the multigraph drum in page form, doing away with galley proof. Proof reading done, corrections are quickly made away from caster. Type-setting is combined with makeup, and running costs, in small editions, are smaller than the cost of making signatures for the flat-bed press; the Mimeoform Process, therefore, is the cheapest method of presenting textual matter in print-face type, in editions up to five hundred.
Publishing by Mimeoform Process demands spacing of six lines to the inch regardless of type size (8, 10, and 12 point). Illustrations, even half tones, can be combined with text at no greater cost than for printing, if curved plates are provided. The most economical Mimeoform format is an 8-1/2” by 11” page, set in ten-point type.
The Multigraph, employed chiefly for printing form letters, becomes a factor in the field of reproduction, when used in combination with type-setting machinery.
The best adaptation in the field of reproduction has been made by Mimeoform Press, 1320 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., under the direction of Mr. Ernest Kletsch, who styles his process the Mimeoform Process. Mr. Kletsch uses a Lanston monotype for setting type, with a special take off, which delivers the line of short type, properly spaced and justified, to the channels of the multigraph drum in page form, doing away with galley proof. Proof reading done, corrections are quickly made away from caster. Type-setting is combined with makeup, and running costs, in small editions, are smaller than the cost of making signatures for the flat-bed press; the Mimeoform Process, therefore, is the cheapest method of presenting textual matter in print-face type, in editions up to five hundred.
Publishing by Mimeoform Process demands spacing of six lines to the inch regardless of type size (8, 10, and 12 point). Illustrations, even half tones, can be combined with text at no greater cost than for printing, if curved plates are provided. The most economical Mimeoform format is an 8-1/2” by 11” page, set in ten-point type.
The best adaptation of multigraph ∣
printing to the purpose of book production
has been made by the Mimeoform Service under the direction of Dr. Ernest Kletsch,
who styles his process the mimeoform process.6 He uses a Lanston Monotype for setting the type, which is cast in a low type
mold, 8-, 10-, or 12-point. A special
caster (the only part of his equipment that
may not be found in almost any establishment supplying multigraph shops with composition) automatically delivers the line of
short type, properly spaced and justified,
to the channels of the multigraph drum.
When the drum is filled, the caster automatically stops. It takes only half a minute to fit the drum to the multigraph machine, and the printing can begin. Proofreading is done immediately, and corrections are quickly made from the case of type.
There are certain defects in the appearance of the finished mimeoform product. Within the range of type sizes from 6-point to 12-point, all the type faces available for monotype composition are available for multigraph composition, and pages are produced by the multigraph with all the features of print-face, such as Justified lines, italics, bold-face, etc. But the appearance of the printed page sometimes displays certain imperfections. As the type is transferred to the channels of the drum, it occasionally slips up or down or slightly awry. This results not only in a poor alignment of type, but in some cases in an indistinct impression. In general, the product of the mimeoform does not approach the highest quality of the flat-bed cylinder press.
A limitation in format is also to
be noticed. The space between the channels
on the multigraph drum, into which the
short type is transferred by the caster, is
fixed, permitting not more than six lines
to the inch, regardless of size of type.
Thus all four type sizes available (6-, 8-,
10-, and 12-point) are cast on a 12-point
body (note Figure VI, set in 12-point and
8-point type). This means that lines of ∥
10-point type, the most commonly used for
book composition, would be leaded two
points; 8-point type, four points; and 6-point type, used for footnotes, six points.
For spacing between paragraphs, a channel
of the drum would be left empty. In 10-
point composition the loss in compactness
over ordinary composition leaded one point
is about 30%, and this percentage increases
as the size of the type decreases. The waste
of space is particularly great in footnote
work. The effect of this wastage of paper
area can be neutralized by using the full
surface of the drum and printing upon a
large page, 8½” x 11”. Running costs
are the same for this large page as for a
smaller one, and indeed, in the writer’s
opinion, the best possible format for mimeoform work is an 8½” x 11” page set in
10-point type in two columns (Figure VII).
One further limitation of the multigraph as a book-printing device must be mentioned: it is quite unsuited to any publishing in which illustrative material is to be put on the same page with textual matter. Although it is possible to incorporate line cuts or coarse screen half tones in a page of matter produced on the multigraph by purchasing small curved electrotypes of the illustrative material, the cost is such that it is more economical to use some other process—e.g., photo-offset—for highly illustrated text. On the other hand, if illustrations are on separate pages, the multigraph is well suited to their use, because they do not have to be interleaved in signatures but can be gathered for binding like any other pages.
The mimeoform process of multigraph
printing is useful for the production of
scholarly books when the edition is in the
region of 100 to 500. Considerable savings over. ordinary printing are here effected because composition costs are reduced, in some measure, by wage-scale factors and by the very difficulty of making
author’s corrections which tends to enforce upon authors practices that would be
equally effective in reducing printing costs.7 ∣
Area costs are held down because make-up is
eliminated, being combined with typesetting,
and because there is no make-ready, and it
is in area costs that the principal savings
occur. Running costs are higher in proportion than printing press running costs because each page is run separately; for that
reason, printing will always catch up with
and pass mimeoform, if the edition is large
enough; but in the region of 100 to S00,
running costs are so small a part of the total costs that the economy of the flat-bed
press in printing sixteen pages at a time ∥
is of small importance.
The following figures show the comparative prices of mimeoform and flat-bed cylinder publication, and show the mimeoform process lowest in cost as a means of presenting straight textual matter in print-face type in small editions. The advantage of the mimeoform fades out when the size of the edition passes the 600 mark. The costs per page as here quoted in 1934 are within the range of those that Bean found normal in 1927—from $2.25 to $4.00.
(Not an economy format for either process)
100 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | |
Mimeoform | $160.00 | $160.00 | $160.00 | $179.20 | $198.40 | $217.60 | $236.80 |
Printing (a composite of five estimates) | $286.68 | $289.00 | $290.00 | $294.66 | $298.17 | $301.87 | $305.36 |
100 | 150 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | |
Mimeoform (8½″ x 11″ trim size in 10-pt., 2 cols.) |
$143.00 | $143.00 | $143.00 | $160.00 | $177.00 | $194.00 | $211.00 |
Printing (6 ¾″ x 9½″ trim size, 11-pt. on 12 Granjon, 2 cols.—newsprint format) |
$280.00 | $285.00 | $290.00 | $299.00 | $307.00 | $315.00 | $323.00 |
Printing (8½″ x 11″ trim size, 7-pt. solid, 3 cols.—economy format) |
$300.00 | $308.50 | $317.00 | $334.00 | $350.00 | $365.00 | $380.00 |
Note: The quotation on the “economy format” from one firm turned out to be higher than the average of five quotations on a less economical format. If the specifications had been sent out for quotations to the five firms who estimated for the upper table, the price would be lower. The point of this table is to compare estimates on a newsprint format with estimates on a good sound book format.
The Rotaprint
Model 200 Multilith
Alternatives to Printing
This is the cost picture that printing presents to the scholar. If the problems of scholarly publishing are not met at this cost level, the alternative to be studied is the use of typescript reproduced by photo-offset, the mimeograph or hectograph, or by some photographic process. Of these, photo-offset is the most frequently applied to book production. The first use of these processes is found in bringing back into print materials already available in printed form; but they can also be used for publishing new matter from typescript. However, these processes can be most clearly analyzed as devices for reprinting, and they will therefore be described in that connection.
Reprinting: the Photo-offset Process
The process known as photolithography, photo-offset, lithoprinting, offset printing, planograph printing, and a number of trade or firm names, has developed in the last thirty years from the combined application of the principles of lithography and photography, together with a new type of printing press.
Lithography was developed by applying the principle that grease repels water, but attracts a greasy ink. The process was discovered in 1796 by Alois Senefelder of Munich, who used the limestone of Solenhofen, Bavaria, which was especially good for absorbing water and taking grease. A stone surface was covered with the greasy marks of a lithographic pencil, then moistened and then inked. The ink would adhere to the pencil marks, avoid the moistened spaces, and transfer to paper as a lithographic print. This direct method from stone to paper necessitated the image to be drawn or imposed on the stone in reverse.
The same principle is applied in
the photo-offset process, which is fundamentally lithographic in character. A photographic image is transferred, via a negative, to a metal plate covered with a light-∥
sensitive emulsion (albumen with ammonium
bichromate). An exposure to an arc light
hardens the portions of the emulsion under
the transparent parts of the negative so
that they remain on the plate after development as an image of the copy to be reproduced. Thus, the process is photographic. A
sample sheet of the negative (Figure VIII)
and a sample piece of a used metal sheet
from the multilith (Figure IX) are bound
The emulsion image is of such a character that it is receptive to greasy ink. The plate, therefore, may be placed upon a press which moistens it (the moisture adheres to the parts of the plate not carrying the hardened emulsion) and inks it (the greasy ink avoids the moistened surfaces of the plate, but sticks to the emulsion image). The printing surface is flat; it has no raised surfaces like type faces, no sunken intaglios; hence the name “planographic.”
The third element of the process is the offset press. The first practical offset press, upon which flat-surface metal plates could be used, was developed in 1906. A few years earlier Ira W. Rubel, a lithographer of Nutley, New Jersey, conceived the idea of developing an offset press while watching a feeder operate a cylinder press. When the feeder missed a sheet, as sometimes happens, there was made on the tympan sheet an impression which offset on the back of the next sheet and produced a better print than the one Rubel was getting by direct impression. He thereupon developed an offset press in which a reversed image was printed by the flat-surfaced plate on a rubber blanket, from which the wet impression was offset on the paper sheet. It is this last feature which has given the whole process its name of “offset printing.”8
For scholarly publication, two
small offset presses, the “rotaprint” and
the multilith (Figures X and XI), which
are used by business offices doing small ∣
runs of advertising matter or publishing a
house organ, deserve special attention.
When soliciting business, the users of the
large offset presses regard these smaller
units as little better than office appliances; the users of the small presses challenge this judgment. But in the presence
of the NRA the large offset press people
tried to make rotaprint and multilith come
into the Graphic Arts Code, while they held
out on the claim of being merely office appliances. Examples of their work will enable the reader to judge of their relative
quality (see Figures XXV and XXVI in Chapter V). This volume is planographed with a Harris press (Figure XII), which has also
been used in reproducing pictures in the
chapter on illustrations.
Photo-Offset: Composition Costs
The composition of the text from which the photographic negative is produced is not actually part of the photo-offset process: in preparing a new book by photo-offset, either ordinary raised type composition or typewriting would be used, and the factors affecting these costs are elsewhere discussed. If ordinary linotype composition were resorted to with this process, no saving would be possible unless a considerable number of illustrations appeared; the production of typescript books by photo-offset will be examined in Chapter V.
In the present discussion photo-offset is being considered as a reprinting device, and in the case of a reprint of a book by this process, there is actually no composition whatever, the old book serving as master copy for the photographic part of the process.
Photo-Offset: Area Costs
In the photo-offset process cost behavior is controlled by the fact that first costs in the shop are essentially area costs. It is to the area costs, that is, to the preparation of the photographic negative and to the making of the metal plates, that chief attention must be devot- ed.
(a) The Photographic Negative
In the preparation of the photographic negative, various kinds of materi∥
als can be used. The photo-offset process
was originally developed with wet-plate
photography. This technique came to the
photo-offset shop from the photoengraver.
The photoengraver would coat a sheet of
glass with albumen, collodion, and nitrate
of silver in the order named, thus making a
“wet plate.” This wet plate would go into
the camera and be developed and fixed as a
photographic negative. It would then have
its surface strengthened by applications of
a liquid rubber solution and collodion. The
result would be a “sandwich” of the photo-
graphic silver image between two sheets of
collodion adhering to the glass plate. Then
the photoengraver would soak off the sand-
wich with a bath of acetic acid and use it
as a negative in preparing the metal sheet
printing surface. More recently it has become the practice to use film rather than
wet plate at this stage of the process, and
now paper negative is taking the place of
film for some kinds of work. The cost relationships of these three photographic
media are approximately:
Paper negative … | 1 |
Film negative … | 3 |
Wet plate … | 6 |
When the material to be copied is of maximum legibility, with ample contrast between its black and white, the paper negative (Photostat N-26, Kodalith, Contrasto Polygraphic Company’s product or Haloid Company’s Litholoid) is wholly satisfactory. According to an estimate made for the Joint Committee, the paper negatives required in preparing metal sheets for a book of 128 pages, 6″ x 9″, would cost $5.12. If film were used, the cost of the films would be $17.92. Thus a variation of $12.80, or approximately 10% of a job priced at about $125.00 (exclusive of binding and paper costs) is controlled by the choice of film or paper negatives. On the other hand, when the copy is poor the photo-offset printer may be forced to use a wet plate negative.9
It sometimes happens that there
will be no way of bringing the original
copy of the book to be reproduced to the
photo-offset printer. In such a case, a
skilled photostat operator or commercial
photographer, acting under instructions ∣
given him for the purpose, can prepare the paper negatives. The situation may bring about a separation of the photographic costs from the strictly photo-offset costs. The trade does not usually work on this basis, but figures received from several sources indicate that a discount of 18% to 30% can be given if satisfactory paper negatives are provided to the photolithographer.10 Another basis for calculating this cost is found in the difference between the original and reprint quotations when the photolithographer has preserved the negatives for the book, but not the metal sheets. This discount when given runs near to 15%.
(b) The Preparation of the Metal Plate
However, in computing area costs,
the preparation of the metal plate is a
more important factor than the making of
the photographic negatives. The price per ∥
area of photo-offset printing surface has
been calculated by Fred W. Hoch, author of
the Standard Book of Estimating for Printers, and published in the American Printer
for June, 1932 (p. 55), as follows. According to information recently received, these
prices hold today. From these figures it
appears that the price of photo-offset
printing surface should be somewhere be-
tween $2.14 and $2.41 per 100 square inches.
These figures agree roughly with those obtained from certain firms in 1933 and with
quotations obtained in 1931.
(c) Full Utilization of Metal Plate Surface
Since the printing surface of the metal plates constitutes the most important factor in the determination of area costs, photo-offset work pages should be planned to use all of the surface of the sheets.
First 100 Copies | Per Additional 100’s | |
8½″ x 11″ | $2.00 | $0.30 |
8½″ x 14″ | 2.75 | 0.40 |
9½″ x 12″ | 2.75 | 0.40 |
11″ x 17″ | 4.00 | 0.60 |
14″ x 17″ | 5.50 | 0.80 |
12″ x 19″ | 5.50 | 0.80 |
17″ x 22″ | 8.00 | 1.00 |
17″ x 28″ | 11.00 | 1.40 |
19″ x 24″ | 11.00 | 1.40 |
22″ x 34″ | 16.00 | 2.40 |
This raises the question of the relation of page, plate, and press sizes.
There are on the market some eighty different sizes of offset presses, using metal sheets of eighty different dimensions. Yet such is the force and pressure of standardization in the trade that most operators will aver that all these variant sizes are best adapted to the two standard page sizes, 6″ x 9″, and 5½″ x 8½″ (and its double, 8½″ x 11″). These are, in fact, the page sizes that will divide most evenly into the standard cuts of book paper and bond paper. They are convenient, but they may turn out to be wasteful.
For example, the rotaprint metal sheet, now officially known as Rotaplate, measures 11″ x 17″. It will take perfectly two pages of normal typewriter size paper, 8½″ x 11″. A working margin of ½″ may be needed. But suppose a book of 6″ x 9″ should be run on this press. No less than 42% of the available printing surface would be wasted. In printing a book of 128 pages, 6″ x 9″) on this machine, sixty-four plates would be required, for no more than two pages could go on each plate. At $1.50 a plate, the cost would be $96.00, and of this about 42%, or $40.00, is wasted. Whoever would print 6″ x 9″ pages should find a printer with another size of press. In bringing back into print some old book that happens to be printed in large-size type, it might be advisable to reduce the size to one that will fit evenly, or with minimum wastage, on the metal sheet of the press that will be used on the job.
(d) Area Costs and Legibility
The principle which permits this
economy has wide application. Since the
printing surface for the photo-offset process, is prepared. photographically, the material to be reproduced can be enlarged or
reduced to any degree desired. The purchaser buys the use of a certain number of ∥
square inches of printing surface; it is
almost immaterial to the printer what is
contained within these dimensions. This
opens the publisher to an interesting temptation. He can enormously reduce the cost
of reproducing any given text by reducing
the size of the print. If he cuts the
print in half; he inereases fourfold the
amount of printed matter on his area of
metal. Thus, it has been proposed that the
New York Times be issued in a half-size edition for permanent preservation.
The ease with which photo-offset printers can enlarge or reduce the size of the matter they copy, taken in connection with the controlling position of area costs, gives to the problem of legibility a special importance. The size of the type-face can be fixed at any point, from microscopic to above normal, and while the diameter is shrinking in arithmetical series—1,2,3,4,—the cost of producing the copies is shrinking in geometrical series—2,4,8,16. This situation creates a temptation to pull the size of the print down to the lowest point of legibility. There would seem to be several thresholds: first, the limiting size of the type that can be read without special strain or attention (accordime to Vernon, it is 6-point type); below the there is perhaps the smallest type that can be read without the use of a reading glass; and below that, the lower limit of reading glass efficiency.11 Efforts have been made to use photo-offset at all these levels. The Hispanic Society has reprinted a rare Spanish dictionary in a reduction to one-sixth (one-sixth of its original size.12 The experiment of the New York Times with a miniature edition reduced 50% from 7-point type has been mentioned. These experiments together with others are appraised in Chapter X in connection with various optical devices for reading. For the present, it is necessary to collect such information as) may be available on the effect of photo-offset reductions of type upon legibility with the naked eye.
Relation between amounts of planographic reductions of newspaper print and loss in legibility
Average loss of legibility in words read per second
Scale of planographic reductions
The Joint Committee on Materials
for Research secured the help of Professors
Donald G. Paterson and Miles A. Tinker of
the University of Minnesota in examining
this problem. By a speed-of-reading test
these scholars studied the legibility of
newsprint of normal size (7-point) and
newsprint reduced to 80%, 50% and 30% of
normal size. The result of their work is a
curve of diminishing legibility, as shown
in Figure XIII.
To summarize: the relationships of legibility, type size, and area cost in photo-offset are such that costs of multiplying materials by this method must always be reckoned to include the type size and legibility factor. Just as the scholar with a new book to be set up in type for the printer will find costs depending on the number of words in the book rather than the size of the letters, so the scholar with an old book to be copied by photo-offset will find the costs depending on the size of the letters rather than the number of words.
Photo-Offset: Reprint Economy
An important cost element that must
also be taken into account in evaluating
the photo-offset process is that of reprint economy. The idea of “reprint economy” is one of basic importance in all publishing accountancy. It deserves, therefore, a close analysis. It has been shown
that publishing costs are of two kinds:
first cost and running cost, and that the
first cost is a composite of two elements,
composition cost and area cost. If a book
can be made to pay its way in an edition of
2000, a reprint of the book, manufactured
by the same process, could also be expected to pay its way provided 2000 new purchasers should appear after the exhaustion
bf the first edition. The number of prospective readers that can make a first edition pay can always make a second edition
pay. But under certain conditions, the
number of readers required to make a second edition pay need not be as large as
that required to make the first edition
pay. This result will follow whenever some
of the work that has been paid for, as the
“first cost” of the first edition can be
held over and used again without additional cost in a second edition. The revolutionary importance of this element in the ∥
cost structure of text reproduction is realized most completely in microcopying, but
the element is also present in relief
printing and in photo-offset work.
The printer from raised type can hold his type or change his form into an electrotype by printing it in wax and depositing electrolytic copper in the wax matrix. He can then preserve the electrotypes and make a second printing without incurring any composition costs. But electrotypes and stereotypes are almost out of the question except for large editions. The electrotype for a 6″ by 9″ page, in a book of 128 straight-type pages, will cost approximately $1.50 a page unmounted, $2.00 a page mounted. The corresponding photo-offset device is to preserve the metal sheets, protected with a coating of gum and ready for a second run.
Some firms do not save the metal sheets, but save rather the photographic negatives from which they were prepared. The policies of photo-offset companies differ in the matter of passing on to the consumer the reprint economies made possible by saving the metal sheet or negative. Some policies and economies are here described for purposes of illustration:
Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor. Preserves metal sheets free of charge. If cost of first run is $1.50 for first 100 copies, cost of second run will be $.83, a difference of almost 50%.
National Process Company, 75 Varick Street, New York. Saves the metal sheet, charging $1.50 for cost of storing. This is usually a sheet covering sixteen pages, so that the cost is about $.095 a page. If the cost of the first run is $1.50 per page for 100 prints, and sheets are saved, cost of second run, including charge for storage, is $.80 per page for 150 prints, a difference of 42%.
Chicago Planograph Corporation, 517 South Jefferson Street, Chicago. Retains all negatives, and, if customer desires, plates as well. “Certain percentage” of reduction given on reruns.
The Copifyer Corporation of Ohio, 1111 Power
Avenue, Cleveland. Keeps plates and negatives until the customer releases them. No ∣
charge is made for negatives, but a charge
of $1.00 per plate is made after three
The Tudor Press, Inc., 251 Causeway Street, Boston. Holds plates and negatives for one year, and after one year, if ordered. Reprints made at approximately $.50 per page less. If cost of first runs as $125.00 (exclusive of binding and paper costs) and sheets are saved, cost of second run is $61.00, a difference of 51½%.
William B. Burford Printing Company, 58 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis. Saves both plates and negatives for six months without storage charge, allowing 50% reduction for reprints.
R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company, 350 East 22 Street, Chicago. Saves negatives without charge indefinitely. Plates can be saved on request for a short period for reruns. If plates cannot be used after this period, a charge is made for making new ones.
The importance of reprint economy is twofold. It can lower the cost of certain specific printings of books, and it can affect policy in regard to overprints. If a second printing is cheaply available, it is not necessary to risk large first printings that may remain unsold.
Photo-Offset: the Outlook for the Future
The development of the photo-offset
apparatus as an additional shop equipment for ∥
letterpress printers has already had an important influence on scholarship through
the production of cheap reprints. In at
least one instance—the making of the new
Early Modern English and Middle English Dictionaries under the sponsorship of the American Council of Learned Societies—it has
resulted in an extraordinary saving of
scholarly labor. The editors of these new
dictionaries have selected the writings of
this period to be used in the dictionaries.
The manuscripts and early prints have been
reproduced by photo-offset and set before
the scholars in loose-leaf form—about 200
impressions of each page. The scholar
takes one page and marks in it all the
words to be indexed. A typist then takes
one loose-leaf for each word marked by the
scholar, types the marked work at the top
of the leaf and files it alphabetically.
This method would seem to reduce the making
of concordances to an almost wholly mechanical procedure.
What kinds of technological developments of photolithography would be
likely to have an important impact on
scholarship? Nothing that affects the
cost levels of the very long runs will have
any significance.13 But if the time should
come when the apparatus would be so far
simplified and the process so far cheapened
that it could become a kind of multiple
photostat, a part of the equipment of any
large library and serviced by ordinary library labor, turning out extra copies of
library rarities for sale or exchange with
other libraries and sometimes multiplying
overused library materials for teaching
purposes, great results in the intellectual
world would be likely to follow. How far
is technology from that possibility? Certain new developments tending in this direction have come to the knowledge of the
writer, but must for the time being be
kept confidential.
The rotaprint was the first machine to offer itself as a piece of office equipment. The cost of a rotaprint installation is about $1000 (9″ x 14″ model, friction feed; suction feed, about $1575). The latest rotaprint model, R 50, is $660.00 complete. Compare this with the price of photostat equipment, which is $800. Then came the multilith, offering an installation for $630.00 (friction feed, in its standard size, 9½″ x 12½″ printing surface, 10″ x 14″ paper). There has been developed a combination mimeograph and offset press which will permit a changing over from the mimeograph stencil, inked from the inside, to a photo-offset metal plate, inked from the outside. There is some possibility that a system may be devised whereby a kind of photostat paper can be treated to become a printing surface. The operator would make a photostat copy of a page, treat the photostat negative, fasten it on a small press, and run off a number of copies. New developments are appearing every year. The major institutional changes in scholarship can be expected to begin with the development of a photo-offset process so simple that the printing surface is prepared at the area cost level of the photostat copy and the running costs of making copies stand at the cost level of the mimeograph,.
Reprint Processes: Dermaprint
The dermaprint is at present the process that tends toward this desideratum. It is a photographic process tied to the mimeograph. It is not planographic nor does it use the offset principle, but it does the same kind of work that the cheaper offset presses do. The relative fineness of the products of these processes can be compared if the sample dermaprint page bound herewith (Figure XIV) is compared with the sample products of the multilith and rotaprint (Figures XXV and XXVI).
The page to be dermaprinted was
selected because it was yellowed with age
and contained a line cut. The standard
charge of the A. B. Dick Company for an ∥
8½″ x 11″ dermaprint stencil is $3.50,
which includes a small amount of retouching. If a considerable amount of retouching is necessary, there is a standard extra charge of $1.00 per hour. The cost of
the materials needed to make this particular stencil was $.64, which included a
film negative and a film positive. Had a
paper negative and a paper positive been
used, the materials cost would have been
somewhat lower. One hour and forty-five
minutes were needed for the preparation of
the stencil.
While the A. B. Dick Company gave their very generous cooperation in the preparation of the dermaprint stencil reproduced here, they call attention to the fact that, in general, the dermaprint process at the present time is more to be used with direct contact prints than with the use of the camera. The reader may judge for himself, by comparing the dermaprint product shown here with the cost calculations given above, what place dermaprinting can have in the reproduction of research materials.
The dermaprint stencil resembles the ordinary mimeograph stencil in appearance. It is a fibrous sheet impregnated with a substance impervious to ink. But whereas the ordinary mimeograph stencil is impregnated with a material resembling wax, which can be mechanically abraded by the typewriter stroke until the ink will penetrate through the bruised parts, the dermaprint stencil is impregnated with some kind of gelatinlike substance which is subject to tanning or toughening in the presence of the chromate ion. Whereas ordinary gelatin will dissolve in water, a gelatin that has been tanned will resist water. This is the chemical principle upon which the dermaprint works.
The raw sheet, already covered with
a gelatin, is sensitized with ammonium bichromate or, more commonly, potassium bichromate. Ultra-violet light on the potassium bichromate will release the chromate
ions and tan the gelatin. It is only necessary, then, to subject to ultra-violet
light those parts of the sheet that are to
be kept ink-resistant. The dermaprint
stencil must, therefore, be prepared by
using a black-on-white or positive photograph, or, as in the production of the so-called “special stencil,” from an original ∣
black-on-white drawing on very thin or
transparent paper, tracing cloth, vellum,
or celluloid. In this it differs from the
ordinary photo-offset metal sheet, which is
prepared as a printing surface by using a
negative photograph. The light that reaches the surface of the offset metal sheet
hardens upon the metal the substance that
will accept ink; the light that reaches the
surface of the dermaprint stencil hardens
the substance that will resist ink and keep
it from passing through. The positive
photograph or the original drawing is
pressed against the dermaprint sheet in a
vacuum frame and exposed to an intense
light. Then it is given a bath in warm
water and dried. The warm water dissolves
out that part of the gelatin which has
been protected by black ink from the rays
of the light, but leaves the other part intact. Thus a stencil has been prepared
The cost of equipment for the dermaprint comes into the same price range with
the cost of multilith apparatus unless the
photostat and the mimeograph have already
been purchased.14
Estimated Cost of dermaprint equipment if mimeograph and photostat are available … | $23.00 – $350.00 |
Estimated cost of dermaprint equipment, including photographic and mimeograph apparatus … | $1275.00 |
The cost of printing surface for the dermaprint process as compared with rotaprint and multilith metal sheets is shown in Table VII below.
The supplementary photographic supplies needed for the dermaprint should normally cost more than those for photo-offset,
except in the case of the direct method, ∣
because the dermaprint must have a positive
copy, while photo-offset can use the negative. The photographer is through when he
has made his negative for photo-offset, but
if he is preparing for the dermaprint, he
is only half through and must still make a
positive from his negative.15 The cost of
making this positive copy can be kept down
if it is made by the filmslide process (see
Chapter VI). Ordinarily the dermaprint
uses just twice as much photographic paper
as photo-offset. Moreover, it is not quite
certain that the dermaprint can be prepared with a paper negative; if it turns
out that film negatives are required, the
cost of photographic materials mounts even
further above the level of the photographic requirements of photo-offset.
Process | Size of Printing Surface | Price of 1 Stencil or Metal Sheet* | Price per 100 sq. in. | Price per 6″ x 9″ Page | Price per 8½″ x 11″ Page |
Rotaprint | 8 ⅜″ x 11″ | $.28 | $.318 | $.28 | $.28 |
Rotaprint | 8 ⅜″ x 13″ | .28 | .257 | .14 | .28 |
Dermaprint | 7 ¼″x 10 ¼″ | .13 | .174 | .13 | .13 |
Dermaprint | 7 ¼″ x 14″ | .15 | .147 | .075 | .15 |
Multilith | 9½″ x 12½″ | .35 | .294 | .175 | .35 |
Rotaprint | 11″ x 16½″ | .48 | .264 | .24 | .24 |
Multilith | 11″ x 17″ | .50 | .263 | .25 | .25 |
* Prices in quantities of 100.
Whether the dermaprint allows genuine operating economies is still an open
question. The A. B. Dick Company offers to
prepare these stencils, but the prices are
so high that the service has no place in
competition with other methods of book production.
Customer installations make these prices less important. The A. B. Dick Company has decided definitely to sell the unsensitized stencils at $7.00 a package or $.145 each, in the legal size, as indicated in a recent letter to the Joint Committee. Dermaprinting, therefore, would seem to be a practical reproduction method for any institution possessing photographic equipment and a mimeograph.16
Table VIII
Original stencils | Letter size (8½” x 11”) … | $3.50 each stencil | (Compare with each stencil $1.25 to $2.00 as the price of preparing printing surface and running 100 copies by photo-offset) |
Legal size (8½” x 14”) … | 4.00 each stencil | ||
Duplicate stencils | Letter size … | 1.75 each stencil | |
Legal size … | 2.00 each stencil | ||
Special stencils | Letter size … | 2.25 each stencil | |
Legal size … | 2.50 each stencil |
The following table is a summary comparison of the factors affecting book ∥
manufacturing costs by three processes—printing, mimeoform, and photo-offset.
First Costs (composition) | Varies directly with number of words or ems, and only slightly affected by type face, leading, etc. Time and a half and double time are charged for footnotes, tabular matter, etc. | Varies directly with number of words or ems, and only slightly affected by type size, type face. Composition about 30% less compact than for ordinary printing. Cost reckoned on a page basis. All type sizes on a 12-point body. | No composition costs for reprinting. (The behavior of typescript composition costs will be analyzed in the next chapter. |
First Costs (area) | Make-up varies directly with number of forms and complexity of work) (e.g., footnotes, illlustrations, tabular matter, etc.). Make-ready varies in the same way as make-up. Neither is affected by size of edition. | No make-up since type is automatically transferred to multigraph drum by monotype caster. No make-ready. | The step the equivalent of make-up in printing is the preparation of plates. The cost equals that of make-up and make-ready in printing of small editions. Practically no make-ready. |
Running Costs | Varies directly with size of edition, number om forms, grade of paper, and type of binding. | Variations similar to those in printing. Since pages are printed separately, the binding costs rise above those of printed 16-page signatures. | Variations similar to those in printing. Binding costs rise slightly for small press. |
Reprint Costs | Electrotype takes $1.50 a page. This cost makes new composition costs unnecessary. By storing type or making stereotypes and electrotypes, new composition costs are unnecessary. | None | Storage of metal sheets at $.00 to $.10 per page reduces cost by approximately 50%; storage of negative by about 15%. |
Planographing (which includes hectographing), photolithography, lithoprinting, offset printing, “copifyer” process, rotaprinting, offset lithography, repro-printing, photocopying, photoprinting, poly-printing, planoprinting, and multilithing. ↩
Some firms, like R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company, have adopted the scientific method of measuring composition by computing the actual number of ems set. ↩
M. D. Vernon, Experimental Study of Reading, (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1931). ↩
Fred Hoch, Standard Book of Estimating for Printers (Chicago, 1929) issued by the United Typothetae of America. ↩
Loose type, milled linotype slugs, special monotype composition, automatically embossed aluminum type strips or curved plates or electrotypes are mounted on the printing cylinder by sliding them into fixed grooves. Loose type, which is the most commonly used, is set semi-automatically by hand or with a typesetting machine operated with typewriter control. As in the case of typewriting, the right-hand margins come out uneven, unless they are justified by hand or with special adjustable spacers. The type is obtainable in a wide variety of sizes and standard print-faces, and costs $.80 for typewriter styles, $.95 for print styles, for a box containing on an average 25,000 characters, printing about 415 words; it is scrapped after using. It is sometimes mounted on a flexible blanket which may easily be attached to or removed from a smooth-faced segment. The embossed strips are always mounted on a similar sort of blanket. The most popular multigraph prints only one 8½″ x 11″ page at a time, but a machine is manufactured with a drum large enough for two 8½″ x 11″ pages; this is fairly common. ↩
Other names for similar multigraph services are Mimeo-Gravure and Mimeo-Photo. ↩
The multigraph interferes somewhat with the working habit of scholars who expect to receive proofs of a 300-page book, leave them on the desk for a week, and correct them when they “get to it.” The Mimeoform Service does not at present have the equipment for holding so many pages in type pending submission of the proof to and by the author, and the office routine is based on the assumption that the proofreader alone, not the author, will be responsible for final correction. The situation could be changed by an extension of equipment and a change of routine. The effect of the change would be a slight increase in costs. ↩
The two elements of the process—the photographic preparation of a metal printing surface and the use of a rubber blanket to “offset” the impression—are not necessarily and indissolubly connected. There is one press, the Schwarze Presse or Coxhead Press, which brings the metal printing surface directly in contact with the paper. It is planographic in the sense that the printing surface is a plane, photographic in that the surface is prepared by photographic means, but it is not an offset process. The Schwarze or Coxhead process also differs from most planographic processes in that no negative is used in transferring an image to the metal. A drawing is laid directly on the sensitized metal and the image burned with an arc light. This process has its place, particularly in the multiplying of architects’ drawings, but no extended analysis of it is required here. ↩
The Typary and Typon Company, 1–4 Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street, London, England, manufactures a “stripping paper.” It resembles Kodalith paper except that the thin emulsion can be stripped dry off the paper base and transferred to the metal for the burning—in process. The emulsion stripped from the stripping paper is so much thinner than film or Kodalith paper that it is said to make a clearer image in the burning-in process and is therefore comparable to the wet plate in fineness. This paper is available in Germany at the firms of von Bayer in Leverkusen, Koln; the Mimosa— A.G., Dresden, Schandauerstrasse; the Baltische Papier-fabrik, Berlin, N. W. 7, Dorotheenstrasse 38.
The typon paper can also be used for making negatives for photo-offset work without photographic apparatus, as in reflection copying; the paper is laid on top of the original to be copied, exposed 10–20 seconds, developed by means of a special developer, and fixed, as usual. After drying, the emulsion is stripped from a stripping paper. Through this process the cost of the negatives is considerably reduced. Many books such as lexicons, law books, etc., are printed by this method.
Photographic apparatus is being manufactured by Hoh un Hahne of Leipzig, Germany, which will produce negatives of book pages for photo-offset work at a great speed: it is apparatus with self-acting bellows or dark slide, automatic shutters for exposure, and devices for the proper pagination and placing of the book. ↩
Figured on basis of quotations given for producing a book of 128 pages, 6″ x 9″, in an edition of fifty, exclusive of paper and binding costs. ↩
“….the photographs used in reproducing the Covarrubias. Tesoro de la lengua castellana. o espanola we beg to report that the photographs used in reproducing the Covarrubias were made at the Hispanic Society. Each of the 1382 pages was photographed separately on a 5″ x 7″ panchromatic film, using an apochromatic lens. Glossy prints of these negatives were mounted on sheets of cardboard, nine prints to a sheet, and this material was sent to the Rudge Company for reproduction by the offset process. The microphotographic reproduction contained 154 pages. The reduction is six diameters to one.” From letter of the Hispanic Society of America to Robert Binkley, February 18, 1932. ∣p.[24a] (blank)∣
p.[24b] ↩
Technological developments having their principal bearing on long-run work are the Uhertype apparatus, consisting of a photo-composing machine, by which letters are photographed on a film strip, and a make-up machine, which is a large reproducing camera; The Typesetter, which operates slug-casting machines automatically with perforated tape; the Typary, producing proof slips, photoprinted on paper, which may be used to make negatives from which positives are produced on offset metal plates; sometimes translucent paper is used in the machine to make proofs which can be used directly on the metal plates; the Typon, employed for photo-production with the Typary by camera or contact, in which a paper strip film is used instead of a dry or wet plate; Walton’s typesetting machine, which writes directly on a metal sheet for offset printing; various other devices activated by the photoelectric cell. In offset printing, important experiments are being made in mercury processes, in which mercury is used instead of water as an ink-repelling medium; in developing formulae for producing deep-etched plates; in dry offset, when the plate is treated with an ink repellent, which does away with the moistening rollers of the offset press and controls both the temperature of the plate and the humidity of the air around the plate, thus providing and keeping constant the moisture needed through-out the run. Cf. Printing Progress, a report prepared by a special committee of the Printing Industries Division for the Engineering Week Meeting, June 25-July 1, 1933. ↩
The photographic equipment needed for transferring matter to the stencil may cost from $20.00 to $1300, with many possible combinations in between. The $20.00 equipment, which may be used for the direct process only, does not include a vacuum frame; the same equipment, with a $60.00 Eastman pressure frame, costs $75.00, and with a vacuum frame, $150.00. This same equipment may be used to prepare the photographic stencils if the user purchases his film positives from a maker of offset plates. If a photostat and a special adapting holder are used, the equipment will cost about $260.00, figuring $85.00 for a holder, $155.00 for a vacuum frame, and about $20.00 for dark-room equipment; if the photostat prepares a film positive, the $23.00 equipment may be used, the total cost of the equipment being about $110.00. Mimeographs vary in price from $30.00 to $450.00. ↩
A letter recently received indicates that a method has been devised whereby, without any further photographic process, the negative can be reversed into a positive. ↩
Another interesting device that has been used to some extent in Europe but has no practical importance in America is the Opalograph. The Opalograph principle bears a faint resemblance to that of the mimeograph. A slab of porcelain-like composition receptive to ink has painted upon it a film that will resist ink. This film can be cut by ammonia fumes. An ink which gives forth ammonia fumes is used in preparing the master copy. The master copy is imposed on the porcelain slab, thus cutting the text in the film and reaching through to the porcelain slab. The slab is then inked and used for a printing surface on a press not unlike a small flat—bed cylinder press. There is a kind of special photographic film which can be prepared as a positive copy, impregnated with an ammonium substance and used to cut through to the ink-receptive stone. Thus the Opalograph might be used for the reproduction of photographed texts, but the costs are high, and the process has no place in America.
A process used in Germany to bring out-of-print books into print is the Manul or Beha process. This is a planographic process differing from the usual method only in the way in which negatives are made, before the image is burnt into the sensitized metal sheet. But in making these negatives, it is necessary to destroy two copies of the original book from which they are made, The process is one of the “direct copying” processes; that is to say, it dispenses with the use of the camera. Glass is covered with a light-sensitive emulsion. The page to be copied is laid on this glass, and light is reflected from beneath. Under the white parts of the paper, which reflect the light, the solution is rendered insoluble; under the dark parts it continues soluble. The substances used are probably a gelatin and a chromate, as in the dermaprint. The whole glass is covered with an organic coloring matter. The soluble parts are washed away, leaving the negative copy of the original as a kind of stencil upon the glass. This stencil is backed with thin paper, dried a little and peeled off. It is then a negative ready to be transferred to the metal sheet. The Manul process of the Ullman Company and the Beha process of Breitkopf and Hartel seem to be the same thing. The German firms offering to reproduce by this process indicate by their quotations that the saving is greater than is possible with straight photo-offset printing. ↩