The Recording of Sound
Word count: 4100
Cost Levels of Sound Reproduction
The forward drive of technology offers the prospect of a number of new possibilities in the transmission of texts.
Television may render long-distance reading
a possibility. The transmission of facsimile texts by radio is on the verge of
practical realization. The direct recording of sound is already in use for research
purposes, and is definitely superior to
written reproduction in certain fields of
linguistics and music.
In general, the technology and cost relationships encountered in the reproduction of sound follow the pattern of those encountered in the reproduction of texts.
In disc recording of sound, for instance, the disc area is most economically
used if it is made to rotate at constant
linear velocity. The ordinary phonograph
runs at a constant velocity in revolutions
per minute. This means that the grooves in
the short circumference near the inside of
the disc are moving at a speed of one and
one-half feet a second, which is adequate
for the reproduction of sound frequencies
up to 5,000. But the same number of revolutions per minute (seventy-eight is the international standard) would then carry the
outside grooves of a large record at two or
three times this speed. It takes two or
three inches of groove at the outer edge of
the record to reproduce the same amount of
sound that is reproduced nearer the center
on one inch. By varying the speed of the
record in revolutions per minute, the velocity of the groove can be made constant. ∥
This economizes record space but increases
apparatus cost. The relationship is precisely the one that is encountered in microphotography, where an increase in cost of
apparatus yields an economy in cost of film.
The relationship of first cost to running cost is encountered in sound reproduction as in text reproduction. A set of master discs costs about $7.50 for one side, $15.00 for two sides of a record. The cost of making pressings from these is from $.55 to $.75 each, of fifty; or more are needed. But an inferior record can be made, one at a time, by “dubbing”—that is, playing the master record and recording it on a new disc. The dubbed records cost about $1.00 each. The cost structure here is like the comparison of photo-offset and photostat, and curiously enough, the two cost lines cross each other at about the same place—twenty-five copies.
As might be expected, the cost per word of sound recording is higher than the cost per word of text reproduction, but the spread is not so great as might be imagined, Fifty 12″ discs would record 100,000 words. The filing space necessary to hold them would be a little more than a cubic foot. These records, in an edition of fifty, would cost from $2500 to $3000. A very expensive printing job, with copious illustrations, might well run up a cost very close to this.
The figures upon which these conclusions are based were furnished by Professor Miles L. Hanley, who has written the following description of the technique of sound reproduction.
Technique of Phonographic Recording
By Miles L. Hanley
Phonographic recording is rapidly
becoming an indispensable tool for research.
Conventional transcriptions cannot adequately represent the unusual intervals of
folk music and many of the important char∥
acteristics of speech, such as voice quality, intonation, distribution of stress,
speed and rhythm of utterance. Written
records, however good, must contain a personal and subjective element. Without some ∣
objective check, their use requires an act
of faith—faith that the field worker has
heard accurately, that he has been able to
translate what he heard into symbols, and
that we know just what he means by his symbols. Phonograph records not only provide
such a check, but they constitute a perfect
archive of material which may be consulted
and studied in the future.
After the invention of the phonograph in 1877, its obvious advantages to
the linguist, the folklorist, the ballad
collector and the anthropologist were
promptly recognized by European scholars.
The Vienna Phonogramm-Archiv was founded by
Siegmund Exner in 1899, and the Musée
Phonétique by Auzulay in 1900. Since then
many other collections have been established: a second one in Paris, two in Berlin, and others in Cologne, Lubeck, Frankfurt, Leyden, Oslo, and Zurich. In America, although our scientists have made great
advances in the mechanical technique of recording, our scholars have been slow to see
the possible uses of this tool. It is true
that some folk song and American Indian material has been collected in the past, but
mostly by the unsatisfactory methods of
cylinder recording or magnetic recording.
So far we have nothing in America that could
be called even the beginning of a central
Phonogramm-Archiv, but we do have some important collections and many more are in
prospect. A few of these are: Professor ∥
Greet’s American Speech records which have
been made at Columbia during the past ten
years, the folk songs collected by John A.
Lomax, the Gullah negro records made by
Dr. Lorenzo D. Turner, and the records of
New England speech made for the Linguistic
Atlas of America (United States and Canada).1
Sound Recording Methods2
In all kinds of electrical recording, sound waves (periodic variations in
pressure) produce mechanical movements—usually in a sensitive diaphragm. These
movements are translated into corresponding
electrical vibrations or variations which
(usually after amplification by vacuum
tubes) produce mechanical movements in a
second diaphragm or a moving armature of
some type. Electrical variations may be
translated into light variations (sound on
film) or into magnetic variations (Telegraphone, Blattnerphone). In the familiar
phonographic technique, the sound vibrations are translated into mechanical movements of a stylus which cuts or imbeds a
groove in a disc, cylinder, or strip of motion picture film.3 The groove may be of
constant depth, recording lateral swings of
the stylus (lateral cut, “snake track,”
Berlinerschrift) or of varying depth (hill
and dale, Edisonschrift). Hill and dale
recording is used in dictating machines and
in some very high-quality studio recording, ∣
but lateral cut records are most practical
for common use at the present time.
The recording methods referred to in the preceding paragraph may be classified as (1) Photographic, (2) Magnetic, (3) Mechanical. Since the particular kind of mechanical recording known as instantaneous recording on disc will be used in most research projects, the first and second will be dismissed with a few brief remarks.4
1. Photographic. In this method,
electrical variations produce corresponding
light variations, which in turn produce
either a varying amount of exposure (variable density, Western Electric) or varying
area (variable width, R.C.A.) on a photo-
graphic film. Equipment for this method
can be easily portable and can be used under extreme climatic conditions, but the
record cannot be played back at once. According to Dr. H. A. Frederick, duplicates,
even commercial ones, show considerable
variations from print to print. Such duplicate records have thus far failed to
show as great uniformity as disc record
pressings. The individual film records are
expensive, delicate, bulky, and difficult
to handle compared with disks.5 In contradiction to this statement it has been
pointed out that duplicate prints produced
by the large film companies are now fairly
constant and that variations are mainly in
the range above four thousand cycles. The
fact remains that it would be difficult for
the ordinary research worker to get copies ∥
of any such quality. The excellence of
film recording is unquestioned, but the expense of this method is prohibitive for
most research projects.6
2. Magnetic. In this method, electrical variations produce variations in the degree to which a magnetic wire (Telegraphone) or steel tape (Blattnerphone) is magnetized across its axis. This method requires special equipment and is not much more satisfactory than cylinder recording. Duplicates cannot be made, though of course it is possible, with special equipment, to dub the record on disc or film. The great disadvantage of the magnetic method is that, with the alloys now available, a wire or tape soft enough to record sensitively loses its magnetism in a short time.7
3. Mechanical. Mechanical methods include cylinder recording, scratching on motion picture film, studio recording on wax, and the various instantaneous disc methods.
Cylinder recording may safely be excluded. It is almost as expensive as disc recording, and much less satisfactory. The records are fragile, insensitive to high frequencies, difficult and expensive to duplicate, and quickly worn out by use.8
Recording by means of grooves
scratched on motion picture film has not,
so far as I know, been tried very extensively in this country. The material is
not expensive, since discarded picture films
may be used, but duplication is difficult ∣
and special apparatus is needed both for
recording and playing. I have heard that
there are difficulties in keeping the films
flat and constant in velocity. The recording medium, celluloid or cellulose acetate,
is also open to objections which will be
discussed under disc recording.9
Since most of us require records that can be made in the field and paid for from limited funds, studio recording on wax is usually out of the question. But if the material can be recorded in the studio and expense is) no object, records can (be made of a perfection that would have seemed miraculous five years ago. In studio re- cording, the groove is cut in a soft “wax” (really a mixture of metallic soaps). “The surface of the wax, after being thus engraved, is rendered electrically conducting. This can be done in a number of ways, such as dusting with graphite or bronze powder, sputtering with gold or silver in a cathode chamber, or by the chemical precipitation of silver.”10 The wax is then electroplated with copper and a “master” made. From this “master” or negative, records may be pressed, though in commercial practice, where many pressings are to be made, a “mother” is electroplated from the “master” and from that, one or more “stampers,” that the master negative may not be worn out. The layman who does not understand the delicacy and difficulty of recording on a studio wax should see the process, or read a detailed account (e.g., that in Brown’s Talking Pictures, cited above).
What might be called “semi-studio” recording has been tried by the Lautabteilung of the National Library of Prussia and by the Royal Irish Academy.11 Portable apparatus for recording on studio wax exists, but it is much more cumbersome than apparatus for instantaneous recording and is open to many serious practical difficulties.
The remainder of this. discussion
will be devoted to instantaneous recording
on disc. There are three kinds of methods: ∥
(1) those using a pregrooved record; (2) cutting; (3) imbedding.
(1) Pregrooved records have been widely used in home recording. There are two methods: In one the stylus point drops into the center of the pregroove, and produces a groove within a groove; in the other the stylus point fills the pregroove and produces undulations in it. The discs are expensive, but when a small amount of recording is to be done and high quality is not required, this method offers great advantages, since the ordinary pick-up arm is used and no feed for the cutting head is required. Very good records may be produced with this method by using a special turntable and powerful motor, but in this case the added cost of discs and special equipment is such that one might as well have provided a turntable feed in the first place.
(2) Instantaneous recording by cutting is similar to wax recording in that an
actual chip is removed from the discs. Compositions of gelatin, celluloid, or cellulose acetate are generally used. Gelatin
is sensitive to moisture and deteriorates
with age. Celluloid is inflammable and
cellulose acetate less satisfactory in
quality than celluloid. “Metallophone”
discs, made in Germany, produce excellent
results, but the price is very high, especially for the twelve-inch discs. A new
principle is employed in the Draloton disc,
also made in Germany. The recording is
done on a soft “bakelitartiges” material,
which is afterward hardened by baking. The
baking process, which does not injure the
original record, makes it playable with a
steel needle. But the Draloton disc requires considerable skill on the part of
the operator, must be kept fairly cold, and
deteriorates rapidly with age. For these
reasons it is not a suitable material for
field recording. The Presto Recording Company of New York markets a disc somewhat
similar to the “Metallophone,” which they ∣
Professor Hanley’s Phonographic Equipment
claim to be even better. The records, however, are just about as expensive. A steel
needle of a special type is used in reproduction. Under ideal conditions, the special discs referred to give considerable
better results than aluminum, but since
most of them are sensitive to heat or atmospheric conditions, or deteriorate rapidly with age, they are, on the whole, less
suitable for field work than aluminum. The
Marguerite Company of London uses a similar disc which has a smoother surface than
the Presto, but is otherwise open to the
same objections and requires a special
trailing needle. An excellent disc of similar type has recently been perfected by
the Sound Specialties Company of Waterbury,
Connecticut. The disc is coated with a
kind of cellulose acetate lacquer which
hardens slowly with time. It may be played
with any ordinary steel needle.
An important objection to the cutting method is that no provision is made for removing the long spiral chip, which tends to curl around the stylus. In studio recording the chip is withdrawn by a suction pipe as fast as it is formed. Both the styluses and cutting media available at present tend to be erratic. The same objections apply to records scratched on either nitrate or safety film.
(3) In the imbedding method, the
stylus is fed across the disc at a uniform
rate and presses a groove into the disc,
which has been treated with some lubricant
to reduce surface noise. Machine oil or
axle grease is satisfactory, but the cleanest and most permanent lubricants are waxes, e.g., paraffin. The ordinary aluminum
disc has a hard surface and requires a
heavy weight on the recording head. It is
obvious that additional sensitivity could
be secured by the use of a softer medium
and a lighter weight cutting head. For
this purpose, discs softened by annealing
have often been tried, with varying results. If annealed too rapidly, discs tend
to curve and to record unevenly. Discs
annealed slowly in oil, however, keep their ∥
original stiffness and produce better records. Apparently they will stand as many
replayings with fiber needles as the harder
discs.12 A special sapphire play-back
needle may be used on aluminum discs and
gives excellent quality without injuring
the records. Such a play-back needle, how-
ever, must be made to fit exactly the
groove in which it is to be used. Consequently the records made by different machines will require different play-back
Field Recording. For field recording, prime requisites are portability, ruggedness, economy and simplicity of operation. Other requirements will vary with individual projects. Almost all methods known to me have been mentioned, but in my opinion, the most suitable for most projects is disc recording on annealed aluminum.13 It allows for satisfactory quality with simple operation, relatively low cost of equipment and materials, ease of storage, simple and accurate duplication. Single copies may be re-recorded on aluminum at slight cost, but if more and better copies are required, a metal master from which standard type records may be pressed may now be made by direct galvanic processes at a cost of under ten dollars for the making of a twelve-inch master and several pressings.14 Portable outfits ranging in cost from $225.00 to $1,100.00 are now on the market. The finest portable equipment I have seen is that provided by Harvard University for Professor Milman Parry’s expedition to Yugo-Slavia.
Power Supply. When dependable alternating current is available, it is, of
course, the most convenient source of power. Otherwise batteries must be used.
Some weight may be saved by the use of a
powerful spring motor for operating the
turntables, but in any case batteries are
needed for the amplifiers. When working
in New England I used a combination set,
with which I could record on D.C. or A.C. ∣
Microphones. The familiar one-button carbon microphone is inadequate for good recording, since it performs accurately only within a very small frequency range; but the best quality two-button carbon microphone, for example, the Western Electric 600A, gives a fairly uniform response. A good carbon microphone is satisfactory when the speaker stands fairly close to it so that small amplification is required; otherwise the unavoidable carbon hiss will produce a swishing noise in the record. The dynamic, crystal, ribbon, and condenser types require more amplification than the carbon microphone, but have no extraneous noise. The condenser is excellent in quality, but since it is sensitive to moisture and requires particular care, it is unsatisfactory for field recording. I have had no field experience with the new crystal microphone, but have heard very good reports of it. The choice between the dynamic and ribbon or velocity type depends on the nature of recording to be done. The ribbon or velocity microphone is highly directional, that is, picks up the sound coming from directly in front of it or directly behind it. This feature is often an advantage, since background noise is largely eliminated. The dynamic and crystal microphones are not so directional and are suitable for several speakers. Until recently the expense of good dynamic microphones has been prohibitive, but excellent ones may now be obtained at a cost of under $100.00. For most purposes the dynamic microphone is to be recommended.15
For aluminum recording it is best
to use a pre-amplifier, for it is then possible to strengthen the frequency response
at the point where aluminum is poor, namely ∥
above 3500, with a consequent gain in clarity.
The present discussion has been largely concerned with recording in the field, but there are many other practical uses of recording equipment. In laboratory experiments dealing with sound, it is possible to record simultaneously the sounds studied.16 It is very easy to make excellent records of radio programs either as received or as sent out from the studio. Many important broadcasts are now so preserved. There are many obvious educational applications, among them teaching the pronunciation of foreign languages, testing musical aptitudes, correcting speech defects, adding sound effects to silent films, and, thanks to the process of hearing by bone conduction, in teaching the deaf.
Instantaneous recording with the latest type of discs opens up many hitherto unrecognized possibilities. Recording done with two turntables may be perfectly continuous, so that material in any quantity is recorded as it is produced. With a good transcribing instrument, such as is now available, one may play such records, localizing exactly the material of interest to him, and re-record on a new disc. Rerecording in the past has commonly meant serious loss in quality, but with the new coated discs, excerpts are almost indistinguishable from the original. This fact is of great advantage in dealing with folklore, ballad material, or anything produced by a naive speaker, who cannot be expected to give a rehearsed and timed performance. The material may be edited and even rearranged.
See the American Council of Learned Societies Bulletin No. 23 for June, 1935 especially Professor Milman Parry’s “Oral Poetry of the Southern Slavs,” pp. 30 and 98; Professor Herskovits’ Transcriptions of West African Music,” p. 125; and the reports on the Linguistic Atlas Collection, pp. 22 and 87. ↩
For a full and authoritative discussion with excellent bibliographies see Technische Akustik, ed. E. Waetzmann, 2 vols., Leipzig, 1934. (These two volumes from Bd. XVII of the Handbuch der Experimentalphysik.)
An excellent and readable book on film and disc recording is Talking Pictures by Bernard Brown, 2d (revised) ed., London, 1933 (Isaac Pitman).
A compact and useful practical book is Home Recording and All About It by George J. Saliba, New York, 1932 (Gernsback).
Sound Projection (by Rudolph Miehling, New York, 1929 (Mancell Pub. Co.), while less up-to-date than the other books mentioned, may be found useful.
An abstract of G. Oscar Russell’s, Mechanical Recording of Speech appears in Bulletin No. 4, Ling, Soc. Am., Sept., 1929.
A brief essay by H. A. Frederick, “Recording and Reproducing Sound” appears in the Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 5, No. 5 (May, 1934).
A discussion of recording materials is found in E. Nesper, Nimm Schallplatten Selber Auf! (Stuttgart, 3rd ed., 1932) and in the essay by H. A. Frederick referred to above.
See also the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, The Review of Scientific Instruments, and The Bell Technical Journals. ↩
This last method, much in vogue in France, is not to be confused with the familiar moving picture technique in which light variations are photographed. ↩
For technical information I am indebted to the expert knowledge of Mr. Lincoln Thompson of the Sound Specialties Company, Waterbury, Connecticut. He is not, of course, responsible for any faults in the present account, much of which is inexpertly condensed from his full and explicit discussions. I have also used a number of valuable suggestions from Mr. S. K. Wolf, Acoustic Consulting Manager of Electrical Research Products, Inc. ↩
H. A. Frederick, Rev. of Sci. Inst., Vol. 5 (May, 1934), p. 181. ↩
A photographic sound track may be put on disc. Such a record is of excellent quality and free from surface scratch because there is no surface contact. However, the method is not practical for most purposes and it is impossible to get more than two minutes of recording on a disc of ordinary size. ↩
A magnetic steel tape recorder recently built by the Bell Laboratories is said to give much better quality than cylinder recording. They also have tapes which are said to retain their magnetism indefinitely. ↩
Unfortunately most of the field recording done in the past has employed some kind of cylinder recording on the principle of the Edison Phonograph, and a great deal of valuable material is so preserved. It is to be hoped that no one hereafter will use such methods, but those who have cylinder records may be interested to know that they can now be electrically re-recorded on discs in this country. ↩
Direct cutting on the edge of a film has also been experimented with at various times. This method has obvious advantages for synchronizing sound and picture film. A development of this method known as the Spoor-Lindberg system has been tried in Chicago, but I have no firsthand knowledge of it. ↩
H. A. Frederiek, (Rev. of Sci. Inst.,) Vol. 5, p.176. ↩
See Royal Irish Academy Abstract of Minutes, Session 1928–29, Appendix, pp. 19–29; Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 1930–31, pp. 20–26; Ibid., 1931–32, pp. 25–31; and Dr. Myles Dillon, “Report of a Linguistic Survey Recently Carried Out in Ireland,” Atti del III Congresso Internazionale dei Linguisti (Roma, Seuttembre, 1934—xii). ↩
Persons using discs in quantities of 500 or less will probably continue to buy from agents as heretofore. Those who use many discs can effect considerable savings by having the purchasing agents of their universities buy the discs directly from the Aluminum Company of America. ↩
The coated discs referred to above are very much better than aluminum and should be used wherever possible. But for field recording where the source of supply is remote and discs must be carried for periods of several weeks, the aluminum is safer and not so likely to make trouble for the inexpert operator. ↩
I should be glad to lend a copy of such a record to any one interested. ↩
Though the velocity microphone has been used effectively in broadcasting studios, I should not recommend it for field recording. The directional feature is a disadvantage with inexperienced speakers, who frequently move about or turn their heads, and the low frequency response is so strong that unless a special filter is used, there is great danger of the fault known as “overcutting.” ↩
See Harry H. Hall, “A Recording Analyzer for the Audible Frequency Range,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 7, Oct. 1935, pp. 102–110. Records have been kept of all speech sounds analyzed by Dr. Hall’s instrument. ↩