Demo: Stevens

Imported Event 1

A learning project.

00:00:00 / 00:00:00


00:00:00 - 00:01:08

Edward Marxheimer addresses audience

00:01:09 - 00:02:33

Marxheimer introduces Peter Stevens [in English]

00:02:34 - 00:04:33

Marxheimer reintroduces Stevens [in French]

00:04:34 - 00:06:12

Stevens discusses the phases of Dorothy Livesay's career

00:06:13 - 00:08:08

Stevens discusses rhythmic subtext in Livesay's poetry

00:08:09 - 00:09:19

Stevens discusses Livesay's use of image as substantiating the notion of rhythmic subtext [Incomplete]

00:09:20 - 00:09:22

[Merge gap]

00:09:23 - 00:09:47

Stevens introduces excerpt from Livesay's "The Quarrel"

00:09:48 - 00:10:15

Stevens performs excerpt from "The Quarrel" [air conditioning noise in background]

00:10:16 - 00:10:34

Stevens discusses poetry as a way of creating order from the inexpressible

00:10:35 - 00:10:46

Stevens introduces excerpt from Livesay's "The Emperor's Circus"

00:10:47 - 00:12:03

Stevens performs excerpt from "The Emperor's Circus"

00:12:04 - 00:12:44

Stevens discusses imagery in Dorothy Livesay's poetry in the context of creating order from the inexpressible

00:12:45 - 00:12:55


00:12:56 - 00:13:41

Marxheimer gives closing remarks

00:13:42 - 00:13:45

Audience 1 asks Marxheimer whether questions can be asked in French [in French]

00:13:46 - 00:14:04

Marxheimer answers Audience 1 about whether questions can be asked in French [in French]

00:14:05 - 00:14:23

Audience 1 asks Stevens about Dorothy Livesay's influence on young poets [in French and English]

00:14:24 - 00:15:00

Stevens answers Audience 1 about Dorothy Livesay's influence on young poets

00:15:01 - 00:15:06

Audience 2 asks Stevens about young poets' interest in Dorothy Livesay

00:15:07 - 00:15:09

Stevens answers Audience 2 about young poets' interest in Dorothy Livesay

00:15:10 - 00:16:03

Audience 3 comments about poetic silence as existential experience

00:16:04 - 00:16:22

Stevens responds to Audience 3's comment about poetic silence as existential experience

00:16:23 - 00:16:50

Audience 3 comments about the difference between aloneness and loneliness

00:16:51 - 00:17:10

Audience 4 asks Stevens about markers of adolescence in Livesay's poetry

00:17:11 - 00:17:16

Stevens asks Audience 4 to clarify their question

00:17:17 - 00:17:34

Audience 4 comments about the presence of an adolescent viewpoint in Livesay's poetry

00:17:35 - 00:18:06

Stevens answers Audience 4 about the possible association of Livesay's love poems with youthfulness

00:18:07 - 00:18:48

Marxheimer restates closing remarks
Project By: pbinkley
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