Some projects on GitHub
- iiif-builder Scripts to build IIIF manifests from METS and other sources, for use in iiif-experiments
- iiif-experiments (site 🔗) Informal experiments with IIIF manifests and annotations
- iiif-firefox-annotation-extract Ruby script to extract Mirador-created annotations from Firefox local storage (2020)
- iiif-manifest-enhancer Scripts to help enhance a plain manifest with an OCR-based table of contents (2019)
- jekyll-waxify A Jekyll plugin that installs basic minicomp/wax components (2021)
- metsalto2iiif Experimental project to build a full IIIF manifest from the METS/ALTO for a newspaper issue
- postwax Some post-processing workarounds for minicomp/wax (2020)
- wax-community-archive A Wax gallery for community-submitted photos (2020)
- wax-plus-staticSearch An investigation of adding staticSearch to Wax (2020-2022)
Minimal Computing with Jekyll (non-IIIF)
- docker-staticsearch Docker file for StaticSearch full-text indexing (2021)
- jekyll-leaflet-maps Assets and include templates to add Leaflet.js maps to a Jekyll site (think Wax) (2020)
- jekyll-repo Use jekyll to generate a static html version of a repository of pdfs (2018)
- jgw_workshop (site 🔗) Demo Jekyll/Wax site for workshop (2021)
Digital Humanities Projects
- annals-of-cleveland (site 🔗) Parsing Annals of Cleveland volumes (2019-2022)
- bookmap (site 🔗) Generate an OpenLayers-based zoomable image of all the pages of an Internet Archive book, laid out as a grid. (2013-2014)
- CKB-binders (site 🔗) Wax demo: scans of research notes of C.K. Binkley presented with Mirador3 (2020)
- csv-emoji-separator For csv with column containing emojis, create colums ‘emojis’ and ‘emoji_names” (2020)
- If_I_Should_Die_Tonight Rails app to collect newspaper data on poems called “If I Should Die Tonight” (2021)
- recipebook (site 🔗) Wax site for a digitized 19th-century recipe book (2020-2021)
- robertson-stone (site 🔗) Sidney Robertson and John Stone (2020)
- wpa-workers (site 🔗) WPA white-collar workers in Cleveland, April 1940: visualization using Wax (2020-2021)
- carmina-burana-manuscript-reordered The Carmina Burana manuscript with the leaves restored to their original order, using IIIF (2024)
Data Projects
- AccessLibCon/conference-data Program data for each conference, and some scripts and derivatives
- covid-cases Data for “Stitching the Curve” (knitting Canadian COVID-19 case data) (2020-2021)
- tweets-libraries-covid19 (site 🔗) A twarc harvest of tweets related to libraries during the COVID-19 outbreak, starting 2020-03-02 (2020-2021)
- tweets-national-emergency-library (site 🔗) A twarc harvest of tweets related to Internet Archive’s National Emergency Library (2020-03-23 to 2021-02-13) (2020-2021)
- tweets-online-classes-covid19 (site 🔗) A twarc harvest of tweets related to online classes during the COVID-19 outbreak, starting 2020-03-02 (2020)
- jekyll-book-marriage (site 🔗) Jekyll-book for Robert C. Binkley and Frances W. Binkley, What is Right with Marriage (1929) (2015-2016)
- jekyll-book-responsibledrinking (site 🔗) Robert C. Binkley, Responsible Drinking (Vanguard Press, 1930) (2016)
- rcb-manual (site 🔗) An online edition of Robert C. Binkley, Manual on Methods of Reproducing Research Materials (1936) - work in progress! (2020-2021)
- rcb-methods Transcription of Robert C. Binkley’s Methods of Reproducing Research Materials (1931) (2013-2020)
Retro Projects
- dearing Generate a pdf to print edge-notched index cards from a data file (2021-2022)
- js-typewriter (site 🔗) Typewriter sound effects matched to text (2020)
- mfmcollections Project to distill data about published collections of microfilms from library lists (2019)
- type-comparison A Ruby script to help compare typefaces of documents, using Tesseract OCR (2021)